Transfer rating from jpg files to raw

Hi. I am shooting in jpg&raw and would like to know how to pass the rating (stars) and gladly any other tags made to jpg-files to the raw-files of the same name.
Background is I rate the jpg-files first since they are full resolution. Sony didn’t do that for the embedded JPGs until the A1, which is why this route is necessary.
I hope someone has a tip or script on how to solve this.

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I haven’t fully tested it, but there is a lua script in the main lua package called change group leader.
With it running you get an extra module on the right of lighttable:
You can select all your images, then set jpeg as grouper leader and execute. Then when you select grouping

you should see the jpegs in lighttable, but when you add tags or ratings they should be applied to both.

I’ve forgotton how you install the lua script manager, but there’s instructions somewhere!

Not quite what you asked for but it seems it could at least work for your future images.

Thanks for the tip! Basically it’s pretty close to what I want - almost! :slight_smile:

After trying all day, on Windows and Linux and it wouldn’t work, I was close to giving up.

But then a last test brought the cause to light.

In order for DT to group the images with the same name on import, jpg and raw must be in the same directory, which is not the case for me.

If someone has an idea how I can tell DT that the same filename is enough for grouping, no matter if they are in the same directory, that would help me. Otherwise a number of scripts would have to be adapted to do various preliminary work and my “nice order”, jgp and raw separated, I would also have to give up.

Would be great if there is a solution.

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In order to group them they have to be in the same directory, not just on import.

If your filename setting in camera is continuous, then the filenames repeat every so many images (1000 for my 10D, 10000 for my later cameras). Probably not good as a general purpose rule.

Do you keep the jpgs after you’ve culled and tagged and transferred that information to the raws? If not, then import everything together, let them group, rate and tag, then get rid of the jpgs.

Have you tried culling mode using the raws? If so, did you have problems?

You could write a lua script that takes an “input folder” (jpgs) and an “output folder” (raws) and copies rating and tags from the jpg image to the corresponding raw image.

That is what I wanted to say.

That’s probably an argument, even though I don’t have any repetitions so far … or at least I haven’t noticed them so far.

Yes, the jpgs remain so far.
In the meantime I got used to edit only a few raw images that are worthwhile for me. For an entertaining demonstration on TV the effort is not worth it or the jpgs are good enough.

I prefer to use the “normal” view.

Unfortunately I don’t know anything about LUA.
The directory structure looks like this:
… /year/year-month/ here are the raws and below that /Jpgs.
The advantage is, when you are in the image viewer, no raws have to be filtered out, which is very convenient. :slight_smile:

I didn’t think of that. I leave them all in the same directory, and (if needed) use Windows explorer’s ‘group by file type’ function to separate. (not saying this would suit you - just what I do).

I haven’t got any helpful ideas unfortunately… but welcome to pixls! (forgot to say before!)

Thanks for a tip anyway. I’ve already made a lot of progress with it. :+1:
Maybe I’ll have a look at LUA.