Trouble stitching panorama

Hi all.
I have trouble stitching the following pano together. Maybe somebody could help me out. I thought i would take the images with moving the tripod so i could take the pictures straight on. But it seems not to work in hugin. Maybe somebody could enlighten me.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

You need to stitch in mosaic mode. Here’s a video tutorial I made for this procedure. While I was moving the negative and not the camera, the same principle applied when you move the camera, as the sensor and subject are staying in the same plane.

Here we have the most free program Xpano
The result obtained in 3 sec

Following workflow works for me with Hugin
1.) Load images
2.) Align with user defined assistant: Scanned images (TrXYZ)
3.) Add a line control point in panorama editor to image 0.
4.) Realign images with setting “Position and translation”
5.) Fine-tune output setting (field of view, crop)

Thank you for you’re help. I am really glad you managed to stitch them together. I honestly thought i messed up in capture. The place i visited is 2000km away and Private Property (don’t get angry with me for trespassing, i got full access from the owner :wink:) so going back is no easy task.

@Zbyma72age I will give it a go as i don’t stitch very often and Hugin seems for me a bit complicated

@stoffball Thank you for you’re explanation in Hugin. I will give it a go. I am not shure how to do points 3 and 4. Maybe i find something on the internet on these topics.

Point 3: In the panorama editor, tab “Images”: there is a drop down list beside geometric optimizer, select here “Position and translation” and then press the button calculate beside.
to point 3: in the fast preview window, first tab move/drag and done centre and fit, and finally on the crop tab selected autocrop or autocrop outside.