Trying to create Bad Pixel Map but find_hot command throws errors

Hey folks,

I need help understanding the syntax and usage Siril’s documentation spells out for creating a bad pixel map.

Here’s the command structure:
find_hot filename cold_sigma hot_sigma

my filename is when I enter find_hot cold_sigma hot_sigma, I get the following error:

Running command: find_hot
Invalid argument cold_sigma, aborting.
Command execution failed: invalid arguments.

The documentation doesn’t mention this but it seems as though I’m supposed to supply cold_sigma and hot_sigma integer values, but the documentation also doesn’t state anywhere as to how I might find that information for my master dark frame. How do I determine what the hot and cold sigmas are for my frame?

Saves a list file **filename** (text format) in the working directory which contains the coordinates of the pixels which have an intensity **hot_sigma** times higher and **cold_sigma** lower than standard deviation, extracted from the loaded image.
That means this is factors that are relative to the standard deviation. By default 3 and 3 are pretty good, even if 3 for cold pixel is probably a bit high. You need to try it and see if you like the map.

Ahh the filename is whatever name I want it to be and the evaluation is performed on the frame currently loaded. Thank you sir!!