I use Siril to tweak my astrophotos taken with SharpCap. The pics are already stacked with flats and darks subtracted.
I use the Siril curves and light and dark sliders to make final adjustments. When completed the SAVE button is still greyed out and does not appear to work to save the final results. When I change the file type and download the pic none of the changes appear to be saved.
What am i missing?
John L.
To click on save as first.
You should have a look on our documentation first. It could help you
I am having the same problem, I looked the link posted above with no success. Can you tell us how to save the image if the “Save” icon is greyed out please. Thanks
As I said in my previous message.
You need to click on the save as button, represented by an icon.
The attachment did not do me any good either.
I found that getting the image into the FITS format (no simple task) resulted in the save button being activated.
When I use Sharpcap and stack and tweak during the photo process the saved photo is in PNG format. I then need Siril to get it into FITS. All I want is a step by step process to get it there.
John L.
At the very first start you have an animation. Did you watched?