I’m profiling my monitor with the latest DisplayCAL on Ubuntu 19.10.
At the end of the process I get this error message:
I have googled it and on the DisplayCAL support forum the suggestion was that I needed xiccd; I installed it, rebooted but it doesn’t seem to be running (checked with ps -ef | grep xiccd
) so the error msg is still there if I run again DisplayCAL.
Now, apart from understanding how to run xiccd (I do have a /etc/xdg/autostart/xiccd.desktop
file as suggested in Display Color Profiling on Linux), I’m not even sure if I need this. Is this required by DisplayCAL? Is this xiccd needed at the Ubuntu/Gnome level? What does it do anyway? (I’m sorry, I have read for hours pages upon pages of docs on DisplayCAL and color profiling in lInux in general but I struggle to make a summary of what I need).
I have checked with darktable-cmstest
and apparently everything is fine:
(base) 15:05:30 aadm@c64:~$ darktable-cmstest
darktable-cmstest version 3.0.2
this executable was built with colord support enabled
darktable itself was built with colord support enabled
primary CRTC is at CRTC 0
CRTC for screen 0 CRTC 1 has no mode or no output, skipping
CRTC for screen 0 CRTC 2 has no mode or no output, skipping
DP-1-2-1 the X atom and colord returned the same profile
X atom: _ICC_PROFILE (967352 bytes)
description: SW2700 #1 2020-05-27 12-20 D6500 2.2 F-S XYZLUT+MTX
colord: "/home/aadm/.local/share/icc/SW2700 #1 2020-05-27 12-20 D6500 2.2 F-S XYZLUT+MTX.icc"
description: SW2700 #1 2020-05-27 12-20 D6500 2.2 F-S XYZLUT+MTX
Your system seems to be correctly configured
(base) 15:05:32 aadm@c64:~$
I have also checked the Ubuntu preferences and again, the profile is correctly installed and I see differences when I swithc color management on and off:
So the big question is: should I just ignore the error msg above since it looks like everything is working correctly?
The secondary question (not required but nice to know) is about xiccd? Is this supposed to be an integral part of the color management system in Ubuntu? Something required only by DisplayCAL and if so, why it does not get installed together with argyllCMS when you first launch DisplayCAL?