Ultrasonic Cleaners: Any Good?

I was just wondering if anyone has had any first-hand experience using ultrasonic cleaners — to be specific, I’m refering to the small ‘desktop’ sized units.

I’m thinking of investing in one to clean numerous small items (such as small mechanical parts of various kinds), but I’m wondering if they’re really any good in practice. Obviously I’m speaking in general, here; however, if anyone has any recomendations for a particular brand and model, I’m all ears.

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My wife uses one in her foot-care studio for cleaning her tools before sterilising them in an autoclave. The purpose is, mainly, to dislodge skin and nail dust from the abrasive caps. She finds it effective.

Edit: abrasive caps are single-use. She uses the device to clean something called a “phaser” (no, not the one from Star Trek).

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For cleaning my glasses, i have a simple noname device at home. It does its job ok.

For my laboratory at work i set up a small “Bandelin” and its working very good. Depending of the item to clean, specific additives can be very helpful too.

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Thanks for the feedback. I’m planning on getting one to clean various bits-and-bobs; however, in relation to photography, it could help to clean various camera and lens parts prior to re-assembly (I do a fair bit of vintage lens refurbishment/maintainance — not sure if I’d trust it with cleaning the actual optics, though).

I just can’t help feel a little skeptical about their effectiveness (having said that, I’m still skeptical about dishwashers :laughing:).

I do some watch rehabbing and they are good for getting all the detritus from watch bands/casings.

Saying that, most of the ones you see for “jewelry” will only run for 5 minutes. IMHO, that’s not anywhere near long enough to get things really clean.

If you look, some of the more “industrial” models offer run times of longer duration. I’ve got one of these CXRCY 0.8l Cleaner and it will run up to 30 minutes.

Be forewarned though, this “industrial” looking units are louder than the banshees from hades.

Many years ago, I worked at a diving company that used ultrasonic cleaners to clean parts in the rebuild lab. These machines would run over night and really clean the bits and bobs in the basket.

You do need to be careful as extended cleaning times can mar the exterior of the item cleaned as is rubs against the basket or other items in the basket. I like plastic baskets, but most of the “industrial” ones have metal.

Good luck!



Thanks, Chris; that was some really useful advice.

P.S. Just discovered your website, and enjoying reading through the posts — great work!

Thank you.

Have an awesome day

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Well… over a year later, and I finally got around to getting one — truth be known, I’d forgotten all about it but then came accross one at a bargain price by chance.

It’s a small ‘jewelry’ one rather than a ‘professional’ one, but it’s at the higher end of the quality and performance scale — it dores a far better job than I thought it would; I’m very pleasently surprised!

It only has a maximum of 600 seconds runtime, but I can pop things in and run several cycles if need be — perfect for what I need it for.

I’ll be keeping my eye out for an upgrade bargain, but this will definately do me for now.

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