Darktable 4.8.1, Manjaro/Arch/XFCE
Using TurboPrint and CUPS with Canon Pixma iX6820 Printer
The Canon-Turboprint is showing correctly on the print screen but no image is displayed and all other options are locked or blank.
Printer correctly prints out of other Programs
Any idea how to debug this?
Start darktable from the cli darktable -d common
, then do as little as possible to recreate the issue. Share the terminal output here.
Here is the result:
[david@Dell-g5 ~]$ darktable -d common
darktable 4.8.1
Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Johannes Hanika and other contributors.
Compile options:
Bit depth -> 64 bit
SSE2 optimizations -> ENABLED
Lua -> ENABLED - API version 9.3.0
Colord -> ENABLED
gPhoto2 -> ENABLED
GMIC -> ENABLED - Compressed LUTs are supported
GraphicsMagick -> ENABLED
ImageMagick -> DISABLED
libavif -> ENABLED
libheif -> ENABLED
libjxl -> ENABLED
See https://www.darktable.org/resources/ for detailed documentation.
See https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/issues/new/choose to report bugs.
0.0001 application_directory: /usr/bin
0.0001 darktable.datadir: /usr/share/darktable
0.0001 darktable.plugindir: /usr/lib/darktable
0.0001 darktable.localedir: /usr/share/locale
0.0001 darktable.configdir: /home/david/.config/darktable
0.0002 darktable.cachedir: /home/david/.cache/darktable
0.0002 darktable.sharedir: /usr/share
0.0002 darktable.tmpdir: /tmp
0.0002 new_xdg_data_dirs: (null)
0.3175 [dt_worker_threads] using 6 worker threads
0.3207 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 2 as `large'
0.3208 total mem: 15846MB
0.3208 mipmap cache: 1980MB
0.3208 available mem: 10832MB
0.3208 singlebuff: 247MB
0.3265 [opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded, preference 'default path'
0.3369 [opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] found 1 device
DEVICE: 0: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660'
CONF KEY: cldevice_v5_nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660
CANONICAL NAME: nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660
DRIVER VERSION: 550.144.03
DEVICE_TYPE: GPU, dedicated mem
MAX IMAGE SIZE: 32768 x 32768
MAX WORK ITEM SIZES: [ 1024 1024 64 ]
KERNEL BUILD DIRECTORY: /usr/share/darktable/kernels
KERNEL DIRECTORY: /home/david/.cache/darktable/cached_v3_kernels_for_NVIDIACUDANVIDIAGeForceGTX1660_55014403
CL COMPILER OPTION: -cl-fast-relaxed-math
CL COMPILER COMMAND: -w -cl-fast-relaxed-math -DNVIDIA_SM_20=1 -DNVIDIA=1 -I"/usr/share/darktable/kernels"
[opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized. internal numbers and names of available devices:
[opencl_init] 0 'NVIDIA CUDA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660'
0.4096 [opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl PREFERENCE=ON is AVAILABLE and ENABLED.
[opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'very fast GPU'
[opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
[opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 400
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 0 0 0 0 0
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 1 1 1 1 1
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 0
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 0 0 0 0 0
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 1 1 1 1 1
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 0
0.4546 [dt_worker_threads] using 6 worker threads
109.0804 [avif_open] failed to parse `/run/media/david/IMAGES/2025/20250201_Sooke-Snow/20250201_0014.RAF': BMFF parsing failed
109.0804 [rawspeed_open] extensions list to ignore: `cr3'
109.1468 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history deleted
109.1468 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for filmicrgb
109.1468 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for basecurve
109.1468 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colorequal
109.1468 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colormapping
109.1468 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for channelmixerrgb
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colorin
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for crop
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for exposure
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for retouch
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for clipping
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for overlay
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for flip
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for ashift
109.1472 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrectrgb
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for lens
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rotatepixels
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for denoiseprofile
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for demosaic
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawdenoise
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for hotpixels
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrect
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for highlights
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] scene=YES, modern=YES, CAT=NO. D65 2.309 1.000 1.531, AS-SHOT 1.864 1.000 1.719
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for temperature
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for invert
109.1475 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawprepare
109.1501 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history initialised with default params and presets
109.1501 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history merged with image history
109.1501 [history] successfully loaded module rawprepare from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
109.1501 [history] successfully loaded module demosaic from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
109.1501 [history] successfully loaded module colorin from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 7: version ok params ok
109.1501 [history] successfully loaded module colorout from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module gamma from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module highlights from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module flip from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module bilat from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module cacorrectrgb from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module channelmixerrgb from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module colorbalancergb from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module denoiseprofile from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 11: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module diffuse from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module exposure from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 6: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module filmicrgb from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 6: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module lens from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 10: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module shadhi from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module sigmoid from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module temperature from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module ashift from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module crop from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module toneequal from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module bilat from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
109.1502 [history] successfully loaded module bilat from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
109.1503 [history] successfully loaded module atrous from history
blendop v. 13: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
109.1552 synch all module defaults [thumbnail]
109.1869 synch all module history [thumbnail]
109.1870 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] rawprepare enabled order= 1, piece hash=3d0f0529334fc02f,
109.1870 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] demosaic enabled order= 8, piece hash=b328a70501948e52,
109.1870 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] colorin enabled order=32, piece hash=7563a39ceae1e96a,
109.1911 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] colorout enabled order=83, piece hash=8e5a0f73242a7524,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] gamma enabled order=91, piece hash=1ae2f37bb34a05,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] highlights enabled order= 4, piece hash=26abe6488bb0049c,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] flip disabled order=17, piece hash=0,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] bilat enabled order=67, piece hash=54923b020fc63196,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] cacorrectrgb enabled order=14, piece hash=43f8968d6b20ff8e,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] channelmixerrgb enabled order=33, piece hash=f088287cd1362e83,
109.1912 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] colorbalancergb enabled order=52, piece hash=9c9b5078735aa376,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] denoiseprofile enabled order= 9, piece hash=10036fa662da908e,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] diffuse enabled order=34, piece hash=6511ab83cf18f67e,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] exposure enabled order=24, piece hash=ee4f97460e9b04c9,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] filmicrgb disabled order=58, piece hash=0,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] lens enabled order=13, piece hash=a5350fa63a92991a,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] shadhi enabled order=63, piece hash=d5588a4f0a1cf197,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] sigmoid enabled order=57, piece hash=622f98fb7bbb5cee,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] temperature enabled order= 3, piece hash=71ab59c8d9761237,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] ashift enabled order=16, piece hash=1deb4d6454a588ed,
109.1919 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] crop enabled order=28, piece hash=9352c353f96aa005,
109.1948 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] toneequal enabled order=27, piece hash=c670e8f85b445b73,
109.1948 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] bilat enabled order=67, piece hash=54923b020fc63196,
109.1948 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] bilat.1 enabled order=68, piece hash=a375bebacfc02357,
109.1948 dt_dev_pixelpipe_synch [thumbnail] atrous enabled order=42, piece hash=e06c1b37ea6aafa5,
109.1948 synch all modules done [thumbnail] defaults 0.0317s, history 0.0079s
109.1948 [dt_imageio_export_with_flags] modules: rawprepare temperature highlights demosaic denoiseprofile lens cacorrectrgb ashift exposure toneequal crop colorin channelmixerrgb diffuse atrous colorbalancergb sigmoid shadhi bilat bilat.1 colorout gamma
109.1948 modify roi OUT [thumbnail] rawprepare ( 0/ 0) 7872x5196 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1948 modify roi OUT [thumbnail] ashift ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x5049 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1949 modify roi OUT [thumbnail] crop ( 0/ 0) 7659x5049 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1949 [dt_imageio_export] thumbnail imgid 54717, 7659x4500 --> 7659x4500 (scale=1.0000, maxscale=1.0000). upscale=no, hq=no
109.1949 pipe starting CL0 [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 ID=54717, nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660
109.1949 [dt_opencl_check_tuning] use 5326MB (headroom=ON, pinning=OFF) on device `NVIDIA CUDA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660' id=0
109.1949 modify roi IN [thumbnail] ashift ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1956 modify roi IN [thumbnail] lens ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 --> ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1956 modify roi IN [thumbnail] demosaic ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 --> ( 3/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1956 modify roi IN [thumbnail] highlights ( 3/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1956 modify roi IN [thumbnail] rawprepare ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7872x5196 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
109.1956 pipe data: full [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 7872x5196 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7872x5196 scale=1.0000
109.2101 process CL0 [thumbnail] rawprepare ( 0/ 0) 7872x5196 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 1 IOP_CS_RAW
109.2128 process CL0 [thumbnail] temperature ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 3 IOP_CS_RAW
109.2171 process CL0 [thumbnail] highlights ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 --> ( 3/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 4 IOP_CS_RAW
109.2242 opposed chroma CL0 [thumbnail] highlights ( 0/ 0) 7728x5152 scale=1.0000 --> ( 3/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 red: 0.0000, green: 0.0000, blue: 0.0000 for hash=cc345ad659c05151
109.2273 process CL0 [thumbnail] demosaic ( 3/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 --> ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 8 IOP_CS_RAW -> IOP_CS_RGB
109.6450 process CL0 [thumbnail] denoiseprofile ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 --> ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 9 IOP_CS_RGB
110.7973 process CL0 [thumbnail] lens ( 4/ 0) 7724x4610 scale=1.0000 --> ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 13 IOP_CS_RGB
111.0491 process CPU [thumbnail] cacorrectrgb ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 --> ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 14 IOP_CS_RGB
112.2755 process CL0 [thumbnail] ashift ( 6/ 0) 7722x4606 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 16 IOP_CS_RGB
112.2933 process CL0 [thumbnail] exposure ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 24 IOP_CS_RGB
112.3688 process CPU [thumbnail] toneequal ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 27 IOP_CS_RGB
112.6534 process CL0 [thumbnail] crop ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 28 IOP_CS_RGB
112.6635 process CL0 [thumbnail] colorin ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 32 IOP_CS_RGB -> IOP_CS_LAB
112.6635 matrix conversion CL0 [thumbnail] colorin ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 `standard color matrix', : 1.000 1.000 1.000
112.6791 transform colorspace CL0 [thumbnail] channelmixerrgb ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 IOP_CS_LAB -> IOP_CS_RGB `linear Rec2020 RGB'
112.7014 process CL0 [thumbnail] channelmixerrgb ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 33 IOP_CS_RGB
112.7174 process CL0 [thumbnail] diffuse ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 34 IOP_CS_RGB
113.8454 [dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d] kernel 299 on device 0: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
115.2155 Error: process CL0 [thumbnail] diffuse ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 device=0 (nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660), CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
115.2155 pipe aborts CL0 [thumbnail] diffuse ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 couldn't run module on GPU, falling back to CPU
115.2752 process CPU [thumbnail] diffuse ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 34 IOP_CS_RGB
126.2084 transform colorspace CL0 [thumbnail] atrous ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 IOP_CS_RGB -> IOP_CS_LAB
126.2575 process tiled CL0 [thumbnail] atrous ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 42 IOP_CS_LAB
126.3205 [dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d] kernel 125 on device 0: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
126.7243 [default_process_tiling_opencl_ptp] [thumbnail] couldn't run process_cl() for module 'atrous' in tiling mode: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
126.7243 Error: process_tiling CL0 [thumbnail] atrous ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 device=0 (nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660), CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
126.7243 pipe aborts CL0 [thumbnail] atrous ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 couldn't run module on GPU, falling back to CPU
126.7243 process CPU [thumbnail] atrous ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 42 IOP_CS_LAB
128.8908 transform colorspace CL0 [thumbnail] colorbalancergb ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 IOP_CS_LAB -> IOP_CS_RGB `linear Rec2020 RGB'
128.9100 process CL0 [thumbnail] colorbalancergb ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 52 IOP_CS_RGB
128.9277 process CL0 [thumbnail] sigmoid ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 57 IOP_CS_RGB
128.9445 transform colorspace CL0 [thumbnail] shadhi ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 IOP_CS_RGB -> IOP_CS_LAB `linear Rec2020 RGB'
128.9676 process CL0 [thumbnail] shadhi ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 63 IOP_CS_LAB
129.0295 process CL0 [thumbnail] bilat ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 67 IOP_CS_LAB
129.0581 [dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d] kernel 33 on device 0: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
129.0581 [local laplacian cl] error CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
129.1769 Error: process CL0 [thumbnail] bilat ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 device=0 (nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660), CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
129.1769 pipe aborts CL0 [thumbnail] bilat ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 couldn't run module on GPU, falling back to CPU
129.2357 process CPU [thumbnail] bilat ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 67 IOP_CS_LAB
130.1556 process CL0 [thumbnail] bilat.1 ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 68 IOP_CS_LAB
130.2023 blend with form CL0 [thumbnail] bilat.1 ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 IOP_CS_LAB, BLEND_CS_LAB, no form
130.2521 process CL0 [thumbnail] colorout ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 83 IOP_CS_LAB -> IOP_CS_RGB
130.3365 process CPU [thumbnail] gamma ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 91 IOP_CS_RGB
130.3800 cache report [thumbnail] 2 lines (important=0, used=0, invalid=0). Using 1248MB, limit=0MB. Hits/run=0.00. Hits/test=0.000
130.3800 pipe finished CL0 [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7659x4500 scale=1.0000 ID=54717
You have an opencl failures to allocate memory. Your nvidia drivers are older (550 instead of 565) and an older version of dt (4.8.1). I think you should first try updating the drivers and then dt 5.0.
OpenCL would cause a failure to print? I don’t see anything in the log about printing?
I don’t think -d common includes the printing flags. He might need to do a -d all.
With all the failures, I’m not even sure this file will export at all. Hence, let’s address what we know has problems, opencl.
I have moved from dt Ver: 4.8.1 to the current GIT and the problem has gone away.
It solved the problem for me but raises questions for somebody else.
Thanks for the support.