Using RT both on Windows and on Linux

So far, I’ve been using RawTherapee only on Windows. But I’m doing more and more on Linux, so I’d like to use RT there, too.

Problem: Whenever my existing .pp3 files contain a reference to an external file, e.g. a camera profile or a lens profile, these references, and, consequently, the .pp3 profiles, don’t work under Linux – for syntactic reasons, but also because the file structure is different.

I could probably come up with some script that traverses my Photo tree and re-writes all these references, but then I couldn’t use RT under Windows anymore.

Am I right in assuming that there is no current solution?

A possible solution – not for my immediate problem, but for the future – could be to define a base path for camera profiles and lens profiles in Preferences, and store relative paths in the .pp3s, just as it is done today for HaldCLUT.

A different approach could be to provide a kind of “path translation mechanism” that leaves absolute paths as they are but, e.g., would allow you to define a replacement of some path prefix with a different one.

What do you think? Any other ideas?

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I use a Linux desktop and a Windows tablet. Now, I do this with my own software, but I think my approach might have some applicable bits…

At home, I do my photo work either 1) on the Linux desktop against a local directory of my aggregate photo work dating back to 2004, or 2) on the Windows tablet against the same directory on the Linux desktop, as a Samba shared directory. I don’t use processing sidecars but if I did, they’d be in the same directory as my raw files.

In the field, I use my Windows tablet with a local directory. When I get home, I copy that tablet directory into my Linux desktop directory and go from there, transparently.

Really, I think the important thing is to work from a single repository of your image collection. That way, you don’t lose track of what you did, where. Ha, that might be a function of my advanced age… :laughing: I haven’t used RT enough to know its behavior with respect to locations of sidecars and images, but there should be a way to organize a single place of access…

Probably just food for thought…

Maybe it was not clear from what I wrote; sorry about that.

The problem is not the sidecar files (.pp3 in case of RawTherapee) themselves but the fact that these sidecar files can (in my case: usually do) contain absolute references to other files.

And since the directory/file structure and -naming is different under Windows (e.g.: “E:/Photos”) and Linux (e.g.: “/media/Bezier/E/Photos”), these references work either under Linux or under Windows, but not under both.

So, say, I was doing some work on a photo under Windows and assigning a Custom Input Profile. If I subsequently want to continue my work under Linux, this Custom Input Profile won’t be found since its location is stored, in the .pp3 file, as an absolute path to a place that does not exist under Linux.

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Yeah, if the sidecar is using absolute references…

When I wrote my software, one of the things I wanted to not do were sidecar files. Instead, I store the processing command string in the metadata of the image that it produced. Then I leave the determination of where a needed file might be to the installed software. Things like color profiles, lens correction database, all should be local on the particular computers. Works well for me.

RT might make a distinction between the current working directory and other places, where the former would not be referenced as a path and the others would. In that case you might have a hope…

Well, on the Windows machine you can arrange to reference a shared folder from a Linux machine as a drive number, e.g., E: Then, all the references to the Linux machine locations for that shared folder can be done as a proper Windows path, ‘E:/Pictures’ on the Windows machine might actually be /home/glenn/Pictures on the Linux machine.

That’s what I do, but I don’t use the alpha drive names. My /home/glenn/Pictures folder on the Linux box looks like ‘\\bena.local\glenn\Pictures’ on the Windows tablet.

If you’re stuck with copying stuff back and forth between machines, I think you’re not going to find a solution. A Linux shared folder would do the trick.