Utilizzare digikam contemporaneamente su Win 10 e Linux Mint 21

Utilizzo da parecchio tempo Digikam su linux Mint. Vorrei utilizzare Digikam anche su Win 10 sempre sullo stesso Pc visto che ho una partizione con win 10. Se l’archivio risiede su un disco usb esterno penso che posso utilizzarlo sia per Linux che per win 10. Cosa devo fare per usufruire di tutti i tag e descrizioni varie presenti sull’archivio linux. Non vorrei rovinare. il database presente, per cui vorrei un consiglio. Grazie

You wrote in italian but I’m replying in english because it can be useful for others.
My suggestion is to write all the metadata in the sidecar files. So even if the case that you lose you db, you can rebuild it from the info contained in the xmp files.

On Digikam:

These are my settings in Metadata > Behaviour

These are my settings in Metadata > Sidecars

Tip: at the bottom of the Captions tab on the right, there is a More dropdown. If you select images, you have the option to read/write the tags in the sidecar files.

I strongly suggest to TRY on a sample folder, it before but this is what I will do. HAve a backup…just in case :slight_smile:

Example of workflow:

Let’s say you have everything in Linux. You change the settings above and write all the metadata in the sidecar files.

You switch on Windows, plug the drive, sync the folder at read the data from the XMP file. Now you db contains all the data from the file.

If you write the data in the XMP you will be always able to build the db from scratch.

Hope it helps.

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I followed your advice and so far everything is working as expected. On Win 10 I’m using a copy of the database files because I was afraid of compromising the original. The only thing I couldn’t activate is selecting images in the More drop-down menu. The voice is disabled and I don’t know how to activate it.

Glad it worked!

The dialog appears if you select 1 or more images.
And I think it appears only if there is a change to write in the file.
Try to change a metadata and see what happens.

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