Utrecht architecture

After processing of the HDR, I used Gimp to straighten all of the verticals and Digikam for its wonderful cross-processing look (color|auto-correction|equalize) which emphasizes the shinyness and various colors of the reflections.

The totally renewed city center around the central train station is full of curves, glass and great design tweaks.


#2 & 4 are really nice in capturing the shape and pattern of these buildings. Well done!

Nice shots overall, my taste prefers the first two though.

Keeping the general reflections and specular lights in check is often an issue with shooting steel/chrome/glass surfaces, you approached that problem nicely.

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Well done! I prefer #3 because I don’t understand what I’m looking at, so good shot! :wink:

Edit. Ah, that must be the sky on the left side, that gives me at least some ground under the feet in understanding this picture.

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It is.

Feed your search engine of choice with: Utrecht pavilion Stationsplein and go to the image section.

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I like #3 because it is so otherworldly (and pretentious as Apple hardware :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). The air cushions remind me of a magnifying glass, giving me anxiety that people below the canopy might burn like ants. :joy_cat: Lastly, the building face reminds me of shark teeth. :shark:

Enjoy the perspective and clean frame.

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It’s like an optical illusion. At first I didn’t know what was going up and what was going down.

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great shots