Venezia from Rialto bridge.

One of the first tests with exposure settings to preserve highlights… :face_vomiting:
Have fun! :grin: (60.6 MB)

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DSC03629.ARW.xmp (14.2 KB)

A DT 3.8 version.
I think the WB was warmer at sunset.

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The dynamic range between the reflections on the water and the dark parts is really a challenge.

DSC03629.ARW.xmp (22.0 KB)


venezia.rialto.pp3 (22.5 KB) RawTherapee 5.8 Development

The dynamic range is indeed hard to tame… Really easy to create noise even though it is shot at ISO 100.

Not sure how light/dark it is February 27 at 17:00, I might have tried to lighten the whole scene up a bit too much.


Does this help? (Stellarium)

EDIT: I added a new screenshot. The first one was for today. This is for 02/27/2021 - 17:00 as per the shooting time


DSC03629.ARW.arp (12.2 KB)


You are right.
This shot is to be get in the morning or at night as you always have the sun in front of you at that time.
Anyway it should not be exposed for the highlights. :slightly_smiling_face:

Cool program! Been playing with it for a few minutes now. It does seem to be lighter then your screenshot if I dial it in, though. Did you use in the correct location? (LOL you just edited your post with the correct one :laughing:).

Not sure if it is visible (enough), but see bottom left.

Anyway: Thanks for pointing this out, much appreciated!

You might be able to use a bracketing series, 5 maybe even 7 shots. You do need to time it so that the moving parts (the Gondolas) are in the shot with the correct exposure for just them. Not an easy scene to shoot, that is for sure.

Yeah, you’re right. I edited the post. I used the correct location, but not the shooting date/time

You’re right, but a tripod, at a minimum, would be mandatory!


Then again: I shot bracketed series with my camera balancing on the not so wide handrail (banister?) of a bridge. Worked in the end (5 bracketed shots on a timer), but I was kinda afraid the camera would come tumbling down and disappear in the river below… The things you do for a nice image :sunglasses:


I found this very difficult! Numerous tries. My best result, still not good, was with an old-fashioned contrast mask.

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Another try with DT 3.8

DSC03629.ARW.xmp (10.8 KB)

venezia.rialto.arw.xmp (17.0 KB) darktable 3.9 Development

I was curious so I also gave this one a try using darktable.


Being about 4 or 5 stops underexposed, not so bad results…

My version…

Darktable 3.9.0~git24.477bc5c41a-1
DSC03629.ARW.xmp (22.3 KB)



Interesting edit!

I do think it is a bit too orange, but it also does seem to work. Interesting indeed.

Thank you very much for your comment.
The orange color was there, I just gave it a little more prominence.
Thanks to @lightlover for capturing this moment.
Excuse my English …

I gave up and decided to go for a silhouette. :grin:
With darktable.
DSC03629.ARW.xmp (11.5 KB)


Quick test with RT and “custom profile”

DSC03629.jpg.out.pp3 (16.0 KB)

Tried to approximate the feel Venice has had the times I’ve been there.

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