Viewing Bracketed Images

No stupid questions. But this might be an exception. :upside_down_face:

This a screen shot of my base image for 9 images 1EV.

Exposure is 1/500 and Exposure bias is +0.00 EV.

This screen shot is image for the darkest exposure.

Exposure is 1/4000 and Exposure bias is -4.00 EV.

My question is when I am taking normal (non-bracketed) pictures and I manually change the EV, it corelates to either the Exposure (shutter speed), Aperture, or ISO.

My apologies for the incompleteness for this post. I drafted this a couple of days before the eclipse. After being disappointed with my poor (but well-thought out back in Sep 2023) selection for viewing totality, I forgot about this post.
Now I would like to post a new topic, but Pixls.Us wonโ€™t permit until I post/discard this one.
So Iโ€™m posting this incomplete one.

Thanks and God bless,