The lens I took this photo with is a Canon FD 50mm f/1,8 adapted to my DSLM. The photo is a total mess, I just didn’t pay attention at this moment. I focused on the clock at an aperture of 1,8 and then I forgot to go back to 9.0 or 11.0 for the shot. It also appears that I messed with the exposure time, dialing it to 1/16000.
The photo now serves as a training subject for me for correcting a heavy vignette in RawTherapee. Not that I never corrected a vignette in RT. But this photo gives me a hard time. I’d love to see how you do it. Of course I also like to see corrections done with other software than RT.
In addition to the RAW in question I upload another similar one I took with an aperture of either 9 or 11 as a reference for the vignette correction I want to achieve.
The files are licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
R6_06283.CR3 (9.8 MB)
R6_06278.CR3 (14.5 MB)