Was curious about GoPro RAW...here's a GoPro Jpeg to play with.

GOPR0177.GPR.xmp (17.6 KB)

I asked a while back if anyone knew if darktable would handle GoPro RAW files…turns out that both dt 5.0 and 4.6 do process them.
I’ve had some photos for a while, but haven’t loaded any on to my system until today.
I gave this one a real quick run through on dt 5.0, and all I did was try to go with the cliched over saturated and sharpened image that’s commonly seen in their promos.
So here’s a GoPro jpeg file to play with…have fun.

EDIT: I don’t have permission to upload a .gpr file…is there a way to convert it to one of the accepted filetypes? Or should I add it as compressed file?

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

I’ve added it as an allowed extension if you want to try again.

Hey, thanks!
I’ll head over to the pc and give it a shot :+1:

Tried it…the allowance for the extension may not have occurred yet, at least on my end. I’ll try again in the morning. Or it may be an issue with my file as it may be buggy because it’s an import to my system as a LR file. I’m not sure.

Convert GPR to DNG : https://github.com/gopro/gpr

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