Hello, i am new here, i hope i posted in the right place.
I like a lot the waveform histogram, i was wondering if there is any way to make the grey more opaque because i cannot see proper the histogram, i rather see it more contrasted or so…
Also, wanted to ask if someone knows if is possible to use luts with this amazing software or of there is any planing for that?
I am using windows, and mac (less now because seems i cannot get it to work with opencl)
I manage to do the process but the results are different that as intend.
I did the following:
I alterated the “printscale5.tif” with a lut, saved it as printescale5lut.tif
now as i saw in the manual you are supposed to provide a raw image (not a tif), anyway i did it with the tif, but i cannot select the standard input profile because is a tif, so i have srgb.
did export as per intructions pfm with lab profile (other settings left as default from export module)
i did the same also for the original tif printscale5.tif
opened darktable-chart
i selected printscalelut.pfm (generated from dartable with srgb and prf-lab color applied), right after i did add the it8.cht to aling the patches, next
-reference values, i selected the rendered pfm file (printscale.pfg) (i wonder if i did a mistake here, maybe should be another reference file that i should load, not generated by me with dt)
process 33 patches (gray ramp i did with with both), export
i imported the style
but when i apply it, the effect is not the same, so something i do wrong but i don`t know exactly what
anyway this is a great way convert luts, maybe we can make a database of styles with comon type of luts
i understood now, we need a good target digital version of any kidn that has mode then 200 patches, with cie adn cth files, anybody has something like this? and i think we can transform corectly cube lutes like this