This can’t be stressed enough. If the benefits aren’t presented from the perspective of those who one wants to convince, it’ll be a very difficult if not impossible challenge. I’m sure that simply pushing the rationale from this side’s perspective alone would soon degenerate to an unproductive pissing match between head-strong parties, each claiming that “mine’s bigger than yours” or “my logic is more logical than yours” - if they even agree to listen to each other in the first place.
Develop a condensed bullet list of the issues. Support each bullet with detailed rationale.
Who are the key Players and Decision Makers? Identify them. Lurk on the Developer’s List. Get help from the Inside: Attempt to develop and cultivate a relationship with anyone who has shown willingness to discuss the issues.
Scour their posts/blogs to see what makes them tick. Tweak the general message in order to develop customised versions which hits the “sweet spot” of the identified parties.
Diplomatically participate on the Developer’s list to feed only non-confrontational pre-defined boiler-plate “suggestions” whenever possible.
Identify conferences, submit abstracts, present.
Make the public aware of the issues so that they too become advocates for the Cause.
Identify the leading media Influencers. Help them to do their jobs by providing them with content. Such content should consist of a non-confrontational summary of the Message.
- Create a team with individual defined roles
- Assign responsibilities
- Execute
- Enjoy Wayland Colour Management