Website down?

All I know is they guy’s name is Jacob and he goes by the handle Omega according to Tux. That was a few years back now so he’s been running the show well until recently, Pat. :slight_smile:

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The show sort of runs by itself… day-to-day ops are taken care of by the mods and BB admins. The admin/owner is only needed to renew the lease on the server and the domain name, apply software updates, and disk maintenance. GC is IMHO going the way ot GimpForums and GimpTalk (and, but the mods mutined and founded their own).

I agree with you, Ofnuts; the mods kept things well oiled for sure. Unfortunately, I suppose the owners felt like there was nothing in it for them so they let the lease go. GIMPChat was a great forum but now I will, I suppose, have to find another GIMP portal (or go back to GIMPTalk; have, occasionally, posted there, but not much since GIMPChat). Regardless, I’m getting old and I tire of such things, Ofnuts. Don’t like drama. :slight_smile:

@lylejk your posts are consistently interesting, so I hope you settle on somewhere rather than abandoning! :slight_smile:

Here’s hoping it comes back, some good stuff on there amongst the noise…

Thanks for the words, GC; I’ll figure out a good home soon hopefully. Still; would like GIMPChat to get their act together and all go back to what it was.

What happen to my old GimpChat? I land up on CG Cookie Blender site???

We all would like to know Lurifax. I’ve yet received an answer other than the standard didn’t renew with ISP one. :slight_smile:

Over on Wallace showed a mail from Omega saying things would be fixed soon. But that was on 19/1…

Thanks for the update, Ofnuts. Here’s to hoping. If GIMPChat does come back online, I’ll give them the chance. I’ve definitely given GIMPTalk (my first GIMP portal) many chances before I all but stopped posting there. lol

I like pixls, but it’s horizon is beyond just a GIMP Portal; still, I post here mainly in the GMIC forum. All places have there purpose. :slight_smile:

GimpChat is not dead. It can be used if you know the IP address and do the proper setup in your /etc/hosts.

See here for the gory details.

Just tried the IP address you gave. It is for GimpChat, but still not working.

Keep trying :slight_smile: Sometimes the server is up, sometimes it’s not… Shortly after posting the above I couldn’t reconnect, but about one hour later it worked again.

But I agree that the site requires attention by its owner. Maybe the current mods/admins should attempt a ‘coup de forum’. It worked very well for (now

Would telling people about this forum be bad?

If imagine going forward it might be safer to point folks towards

Most of the GC crowd has shown up on GF.N, but the latter isn’t the social club that GC is:)

My real suggestion to them would be to start their own…

How do you " Start your own"?

Buy a domain name and some hosting, install the software and start promoting it!

The easy part:

  1. Grab a domain name ($12/year)
  2. Grab a Virtual Private Server (aka VPS) ($5 a month), ( and are both on, so far so good)
  3. Install free software on VPS,
  4. Associate VPS address to domain name

… and there you go. Some Linux proficiency helps.

The slightly harder part is

  1. Convincing a critical mass of people to use your thing (be patient, this can take a year or more)
  2. Keeping hackers and spammers at bay.
  3. Finding 2-3 other motivated people that you can trust with all the passwords (and share some of the expenses with), so that the thing doesn’t go down the drain if you get bored with it.

Keep in mind that this won’t be your child, this will be the community’s child.


All of @Ofnuts slightly harder parts are the key. A better option, in my opinion, is to become a contributing member and good citizen of a community. Write, post, engage, and promote.

If you can keep high quality content flowing, the community will sometimes follow (we’ve been extremely lucky here to have some incredible members and community in general). :slight_smile:


The IPs don’t work now (one you posted and the one a guy named David). I suspect though that GIMPChat’s trying to rise up again. I did get a PM notice emailed me from GIMPChat; I suspect it was from Ofnuts since he’s the only one that apparently was able to access GIMPChat. lol

I did do a return email, but I suspect the admins for GIMPChat won’t respond. Maybe replication of the new IP and domain servers with sinc by tomorrow. :slight_smile: