Website has virus

I went on the website to download DT, and I was popped with virus???

Which website? What virus?

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And which file (especially if on official darktable websites)?

This website.


Avast see malwares or virus.

Avast? This Avast:

Did you see the warnings on browsing the site, or after downloading a file?

On the windows executable is found (false?) positive by one software:

Could be a false positive, like this one was.

On the browser side, not on the file.

Can you post a screenshot or something?

My work machine is pretty locked down on the corporate side …Win 10 machine. Win Defender running and updated daily and Trend Micro Apex One running corporate wide and its not flagging anything… not sure if its a specific link. I just tried clicking around to see if anything popped up… nothing here…

The venerable and talented @darix is all over our infrastructure all the time. He is a professional. That includes DT hosting. I’d be surprised if there were an issue.

Windows Anti Virus software often gives false positives.

Also note that is a static site. We serve HTML, CSS, JavaScript (minimal amounts), and images. So you’d either be downloading the virus and running it locally… Or something else?

That is what avast say.

Looks like a reference to an analytics tool…

Yes @andabata hosts our analytics. Not sure how he’s made the avast antivirus block list, but OK.

Maybe because of tracker blocking and matomo/piwik being a tracker?


I’m quite sure @darix is right, and that avast is trigger happy and thinks every piwik.js or matomo.js is evil.

1 Like is a legitimate website for the open-source photography workflow application and raw developer Darktable. It is not infected with any malware or viruses. The reason why Avast is blocking it is because it is using a third-party analytics service called Piwik. Piwik is a self-hosted analytics service that is considered to be more privacy-friendly than Google Analytics. However, some antivirus software programs, such as Avast, may block Piwik because it is not as well-known as Google Analytics and may be considered a potential security risk.

If you are concerned about the security of, you can always use a different web browser that does not block Piwik. You can also disable Piwik tracking in the Darktable settings.

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If the site really had a virus or posed any kind of threat (*), switching to a browser that does not report a threat would not eliminate any security issues. Of course, using a browser or extension that reports many false positives does not provide security, either.
How do you mean one can disable Piwik tracking in the Darktable settings?

(*) I have no concerns regarding the site, and I’m not questioning its security.

I’ve setup matomo (the new name for piwik) even to adhere to the do-not-track setting in the brower. It still realy feels like avast is meaningles triggerhappy.

The problem with paid for threat protection is that they are incentivised to remind you now and then that they are still there in the background doing their good stuff. Otherwise you’re not very likely to every year pay the renewal fee.

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