wedding group with a light background

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3 (22.0 MB)

This wedding photo is very difficult for me to develop. I shot it using a Canon g5xm2, I should have used a flash, but I didn’t.

The light background is very difficult to manage, the border of the subjects are light, too, and simply leveraging the exposition doesn’t solve.

I don’t want to use path masks, they are too difficult to set and to trim.

Any help is appreciated! I’m using darktable.

The photo is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

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Even without any local/masked operations, there is a noticeable loss of contrast (maybe light bouncing around in the lens?):

I have been unable to improve on it, so I just went with something basic.

I’ve set lens correction to stereographic to avoid stretching the faces on the edges of the group, and just went with the bright light.
Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (25.3 KB)

My wife says you should probably edit out the cross that only shows Jesus’s feet.


@kofa, your sidecar gives me the error “white balance applied twice” with dt 4.6.1…

Not here, but I’m on the ‘master’ version:
Ah yes, in white balance, as shot to reference is a new setting:

Simply reset the module.

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (13.5 KB)


Definitely difficult, mainly because of reflected light from all around, plus a lot of backlight. I ended up fiddling with all kinds of modules, without much success. So in the end I went by the law of the masses, abandoned trying to correct the chap on the right for the benefit of others.

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (21.0 KB)

My version…

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (17.0 KB)


Really difficult. My try using RT dev.
Didn’t apply lens correction to avoid stretching the guys left and right.

… re-edit after seeing the purple tint in the highlights

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42_RT-4.jpg.out.pp3 (19.6 KB)


That’s indeed a hard one. My version:

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (23.9 KB)


My fun - ART and GIMP version

Another attempt

Another attempt 1


A slight evolution:

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (24.4 KB)


Very hard to avoid halos and artifact on this one

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (16.2 KB)


I just kept it simple. Saw no reason to rescue the wall behind them, as I thought the bright paches on the right was just distracting. So I basically just brightened exposure and adjusted white balance and cropped. Denoise, sharpening (DorS) and lens correction on top of that. Darktable 4.6.1.

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (15.4 KB)


Very tricky! This is my second attempt, but leaves a lot to be desired.
A blend of -1 & +2
EV in enfuse. In GIMP I used my old equal luminosity mask plug-in which creates 10 masked layers to try and achieve finer control. My aim was to try and improve the faces at the expense of the rest of the image.

Round 2…

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42_01.CR3.xmp (28.8 KB)


Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.CR3.xmp (14.5 KB)


My try in rawtherapee, using dynamic range compression mainly to make the lighting less harsh.

Matrimonio Sara Filippo 2024-05-25–16.26.42.jpg.out.pp3 (14.8 KB)

Gracias to everyone for you try! :grin:

Matrimonio Sara Filippo_moja_rt_01.jpg.out.pp3 (65.3 KB)

(edit: it has, this edit, obvious issues, perhaps for tomorrow; good night!)

Yet another attempt. This time using a blurred, threshold layer as a layer mask. The people are perhaps clearer, but at the cost of lots of artifacts.