Weekly recap — 9 April 2023

This is a shorter-than-usual recap. Week highlights: OpenShot 3.1.0 released, GIMP and Krita get new features, Jabier Arraiza is leaving Inkscape.


Several nice little patches are making their way to future GIMP 3.0.

Now when you try to shut down the system while the program is still running, it will warn you about losing unsaved changes, successfully tested on Linux so far:

Another neat new feature is being able to search for additional GEGL operations that are available in the system but not registered in GIMP’s Filters menu (or elsewhere in menu, in fact).


There’s some further progress on spectral blending in Krita:

I have now managed to add spectral blending to krita’s KoMixColorsOp, which means that spectral blending can be used for gradients, picker sampling and smudge brush sampling […] there are still a lot of issues that need to be resolved, at the moment spectral blending only works with linear profiles…

Additionally, Dmitry Kazakov refactored cumulative undo (again). Here are the major changes:

  • The Exclude last strokes from merge setting now has a priority over the time-based merging
  • A new separate Max group duration option limits the number of commands that can be added to a single group. By default, any changes after 5 seconds will become a new group of changes to undo

These settings have also been moved to the main Preferences dialog for better discoverability.


The biggest news in the project is not code-related. Jabier Arraiza recently announced his departure from the project to pursue other interests.

He’s been around for a very long time and played a major role in revamping live path effects, creating new ones, and making various UX/UI improvements.

Good luck and thank you, Jabier!

OpenShot 3.1.0

A new version of OpenShot is out with the following major changes:

  • 400+ searchable video profiles
  • Time remapping is now more robust, with better audio resampling and easing with Bezier curves between keyframes
  • All multi-step edits can now be undone with a single click

But there’s more, check out the full anouncement.

Sonoj convention

Nils Hilbricht and the Open Source Audio Meeting Cologne announced this week that they will be holding the annual Sonoj Convention in Cologne (Germany) this October. You can already register for the conference, entrance is free.


Grafikwork keeps publishing great painting timelapses with Krita:

Architecture Topics explains how to Make Realistic Curtains in Blender:

Joko Engineeringhelp demonstrates using the Exploded Assembly workbench:

Rick Johanson aka “IronEcho” shows some seamless pattern tricks with Inkscape:


Cinema by James O’Brien / Vadim Ignatiev (Blender)

Beggin’ by Sonja Christoph (Blender)

Between II Worlds by radumitroi (Blender)

Tiny Cyberpunk Diner by brice.eljeji (Blender)

Beach by Rizky_Rizky (Krita)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://librearts.org/2023/04/week-recap-9-apr-2023/
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