weird exposure for underexposed images in RAW

I have been recently working on better exposing my pictures right in the camera (A7C) and playing with different values. For some reason, DT shoes exposed compensated at -3.0 very bright. This is a screenshot from my DT 4.8.1. Is there any rational explanation?

Are your settings such that you’re using raw data to generate your thumbnails?

When you’re using exposure comp, you probably need to open and edit an image, then the exposure module should take the exposure compensation into account.

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I actually found the reason. After an upgrade from my old version to 4.8.1, I discovered a new option “compensate camera exposure”, which is on by default.

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I believe this default has been there for a few versions. I have created picture styles where this is selected or not selected. It is very handy to have on if you shoot bracketed images like I do, but can be annoying to have on if you have used in camera exposure compensation to get the correct look.

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That has been there for a long time. Since the 3.x days, if I’m not mistaken. The assumption behind it is that you’re doing ETTR (expose to the right). That is, you don’t expose for the camera jpeg, but for maximum dynamic range in the raw by “pushing” the histogram to the right. If that’s the case, then this option will ensure that you get a reasonable starting exposure in darktable, when you have shot in any of the priority modes and used exposure compensation.

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I probably did not notice it before, until now when I started to play with exposure more and more extreme settings.