What are you reading?
I passed by the library today and picked up That photo makes me hungry and Simply math. Leafing through the two, the first has dynamic dark photos and the second illustrated.
What are you reading?
I passed by the library today and picked up That photo makes me hungry and Simply math. Leafing through the two, the first has dynamic dark photos and the second illustrated.
Do books of photos count as reading? If they do I’ve just finished Soviet Bus Stops and am now moving on to the equally engrossing Soviet Bus Stops Volume II. In actual reading (with words and stuff) I’m veering between programming books (python and javascript) and re-reading the His Dark Materials trilogy.
The two I picked up fall into this category.
I loved the first one. I recall the second was disappointing and missed (did not pursue) the third.
I didn’t know if they were books of photos or books about photography. In a similar genre I also liked Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed. I’m a fan of brutalist architecture.
I intended this topic to be open ended.
If not for the global event, more people would dive into the books you are reading.
The majority of the photos are from former Soviet states rather than Russia itself.
Nowadays, I mostly read escapist stuff.
Jim Butcher: The Dresden Files - an urban fantasy series.
Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson: The Wheel of Time (not because of the TV series; I read most of the books a long time ago, I’m just re-reading them now).
To help me learn German, I also plan to re-read the Harry Potter series, in German this time. I’m on the 2nd book, but make very slow progress; should be enough until I retire (I’m 48). :-/
I read about half. Lost interest because of the inconsistent delivery.
His Dark Materials is brilliant! I read it a long time ago and feel inspired to re-read it now
Well, I’m someone who struggles with names. The Wheel of Time is rather challenging for me.
That’s my problem with a lot of TV and most hardcore fantasy books. I can never keep track of who everyone is.
I felt similar but kept reading - and thought the third one made up for the weaker second one and brought the saga to a fitting end.
One thing that TV has on books is that there can be recaps. Coupled with properly-done flashbacks, immersion is possible.
Quantum Non-Locality & Relativity : Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics.
Well, you did ask…
I do have several books on physics, more of the enthusiast popular kind (besides the textbooks).
Well, your profile does say you were a physicist. I am a fan but then I am a complete generalist, having studied all sorts of things formally and informally. It is too bad no one has ever wanted to hire me for anything. The job search continues…
I’m currently reading A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine, a brilliant, unusual, space opera about an Arabic-tinted Roman empire in space, from the viewpoint of a barbarian linguist with multiple personalities.
Just about the best science fiction I’ve read in the last few years!
Just finished the last book, Poison, Shadow, and Farewell, from Javier Marías’ series called: Your Face Tomorrow, a few days ago. It took me a bit of time to finish these three but in the end I really, really enjoyed these books and I’m sure I’ll be reading more by this author in the near future. These might even fall in the, for me rare catagory of books I’m going to re-read.
Started something much lighter yesterday evening: Pollen, part 2 from the Vurt world by Jeff Noon. A crazy surreal fantasy cyberpunk world. Just fun to read if it is anything like his first one.
Bible, The
Little known book but you might be able to find it in your local library if youre lucky.
Currently reading Ubik by Philip K. Dick. Finished Mythos by Stephen Fry a few days ago, it was a great read and I recommend it to everyone. After this I’ll probably be onto Doctor Zhivago or a WW2 book a friend gave me for christmas.
That sounds like great fun