What causes this blotchiness?

…and how can it be fixed? (It’s part of a cloud formation)

Not so concerned with the jpg artifacts, just the botchiness.

Thanks in advance.

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It’s a bit hard to tell without context but:

It looks like noise in the image that has been partially denoised.
Given that you mention jpeg artifacts (which I don’t see that clearly) shooting raw and denoising it in software that can use a lot more processing time than your camera has available can also help.

Best fix: Try to capture the image with less noise (lower iso, stacking).

In post: I’d low pass (blur) it to get rid of the noise. Probably more in the chroma than luma. Probably more in the shadows than brighter parts.

In general when processing images I like to use a fairly strong denoise (to the point where there are very little artifacts) for chroma. For the luma I do the same but then blend the result with the original so I get back some of the detail & grain because I generally rather have a bit of noise & detail than the weird artifacts that ‘in between’ denoising gives.


Hello Jonas, I am very new to processing with RT, but not with LR or even Photoshop…I was very interested in your article…and in the previous photo shown. Indeed that sounds like noise, but let me tell you that I get the same with my long telephoto lens (Sigma 150-600) and my Canon 7D mark ii. While I do have my own style of processing this noise I was very interested in what you mentioned about how would you process a photo with this issue. I shoot in raw, always. Would you be so kind to detail the processing, and with wich program you are working? I am a spanish speaker, so sorry if I can’t catch the full meaning of some of your words: With luma you mean luminance noise? Whith chroma you mean chrominance or what in spanish they call color noise? When you say to lower the iso, it also depends on the lens and the subject you are photographing, as well as the hour during the day you do so. In my case, with birds, I always have to use more than 400 iso! Thanks a lot! Best wishes from Uruguay.

Re chroma & luma: This is correct.

If you post an example RAW file I can show you how I would process it to reduce the noise using darktable or GMIC. :slight_smile: