I just tried to use it and the window is like this. Tried deleting .config dir, fiddling with the settings here but nothing helped. It’s like the whole ‘histogram’ is kind of blownup in the curves dialogue.
You may need to let people know the OS and version of GIMP. Also if you can supply the image file people could try and replicate the issue. Good luck resolving the problem.
Sorry I forgot to add the OS.
Arch Linux, latest release Gimp (not 2.99). It happens with every image I load. It started happening today, like something was messed up with GIMP.
I am on Windows running 2.10.32 so I can not be much help replicating problem. The specific GIMP number may be helpful to those on Linux. You can find that by clicking on about GIMP in the help dropdown.
Yeah, same version as you have.
It’s not the version, either:
- I messed some setting so hopefully someone could point me out what.
- Arch updated some libs in the mean time that are affecting the Gimp. However, from what I have checked, none of the updates of today affected GIMP.
Just as I thought, new Cairo version that was updated yesterday affected GIMP as a consequence.
Yes, it’s cairo. Downgrade to 1.16.0-2 solved it on my machine.
@Thomas_Do Thank you! Works just fine
Claes in Lund, Schweden
The new package cairo 1.7.8-2 fixes the bug.
Yes, though still not 100%, the bottom part of the Curves grid has some missing lines. It’s totally usable though.
Moinchen, @Thomas_Do!
Ah! Lucky that you brought that up —
I did not notice the update because I added
cairo as an IgnorePkg yesterday morning :-)))
Claes in Lund, Schweden
Oh, I can’t see this here. Can you please post a screenshot?
Bottom part of the grid.
Oh, you are right! On my screen the histogram is barely seen! Have to figure out why, it’s not dependent on the theme. Can you possibly help me here to figure it out?
I’ll try…
a) You are using Arch?
b) Desk environment?
c) Gimp version?
- Yeah.
- Xfce4 - themes don’t matter, Curves always look the same.
- Latest 2.10.32.
The only thing that affects this, that I figured out, are GIMP’s internal themes. But Light and Gray ones are out of question, as they look very bad on my screen and I’m using Dark theme overall.
Found it. The issue is/was Photo GIMP theme that is trying to mimic Photoshop. Apparently it made Curves’ histogram to look like this.
Ah, good.
I am just back after a trip into the city.
I am using KDE, so my first belief was that
xfce was the culprit
Yes, when I look carefully I also have this “problem”.