what is the difference with export options: linear rec.709 vs rec.709?

I would like to understand what is the difference with export option: rec 709 RGB & linear rec 709 RGB?

I know that the gamma for BT.709 is different from sRGB. Is one option more suitable if having worked within the modern scene referred pixelpipe? I have not found any info how to pick between these 2 options…

I will be working with image sequences in a video editor combined with mpeg 4 H.264 (YUV4:2:0 BT.709) video footage…
Note: I am exporting to Tiff 16 bits.

I think that question depends on the video editor, not so much on darktable: darktable spits out the file with the colour space you demanded, and then “forgets about the image”. Dt is not going to process the exported image…

“Normal” rec709 has a gamma function applied like sRBG (the two color spaces are close), so I guess “linear rec709” is rec709 without the (non-linear) gamma function.