What is your perspective on Berlin?

I have returned, for what seems like the twentieth time, to this capture which I cannot easily re-create (not planning a future European trip for the foreseeable future). I have closer captures of the Reichtag building; this is meant to place it within its context. My heart says an ultra-wide crop, which also displays (most of) the Kongresshalle and the Brandenburg Gate, not to mention the Strasse des 17. Juni. Yet my head is troubled by the large amount of “empty” space.

I’d be interested in how you frame/crop and your rationale for your choice.

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2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF (17.7 MB)

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646_01.NEF.xmp (10.5 KB)
(Only difference in images is their cropping and rotation)


To show the “context” we need to keep Brandenburger Tor with Strasse des 17. Juni. Also some of the buildings to the left, but not to much as the white strongly draws attention and what remains is sufficient. And by that I also think there’s some kind of balance in the picture – both between visually salient elements and between points of touristic interest.

EDIT: The prominent tower with its tapering column with the shadow on one part only and less contrast on the sunlit edge makes it difficult to not create a feeling of something anyhow being skewed …

EDIT 2: Yes, there is a lot of fairly homogenous, “empty” space in front, but the Großer Tiergarten park is anyhow a large and important part of the surroundings of Reichstag


I felt the need to a panorama crop to force the viewer to scan from side to side. Because of the haze and maybe shot through a window I struggled with the colors in the image.

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (22.8 KB)


Terry, there was indeed a fair amount of haze.
Not a window, however - a grille I had to shoot through:

My height and arm length were unfortunately insufficient to avoid the grille entirely.

For colours, the “solution” for me was to boost chroma a fair bit and the saturation a little.

I like the Tiergarten … the large expanse of hazy sky gets me more uncomfortable, but there is no avoiding it without cutting off the Fernsehrtum (tower).

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Edit: cropped
2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.arp (14.1 KB)


very tricky…
first i agree to the crops shown before.
Then i took the tower and the horizon for the 3rd rules but struggled a lot to remove some haze, while keeping realistic colors.I am afraid, this was not really successful.

Here my try in RT-dev:

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.jpg.out.pp3 (19,3 KB)

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RawTherapee and GIMP


I also chose the XPAN crop here.
WB was done with RGB Grey method

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (19.2 KB)

Edit: The dirty loking air over Berlin looks ugly. Tried to do make it cleaner :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646_RT-2.jpg.out.pp3 (25.0 KB)


2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (34.3 KB)


2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (17.7 KB)


2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (19,2 KB)

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (20,2 KB)


2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (29.1 KB)


My version…

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (20,1 KB)

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My perspective on Berlin? There’s a lot going on. It’s hectic and stressful.

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646_01.NEF.xmp (77.9 KB)
2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (16.2 KB)


Thank you for the play.

Edit with ART, GIMP and G’MIC:


I would keep as much in the image as possible. From the “schwangere Auster” (Kongresshalle) to the tower of the “Altes Stadthaus”.

2017-08-30_11-40-06.30DSC_9646.NEF.xmp (13.0 KB)


That’s brilliant!!!

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Another edit that reminds me of music :stuck_out_tongue:

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