When will Gimp 3.0 be available?


now that Gimp 3.0 has been introduced at the Libre Graphics Meeting at Rennes, when will it be available for download?


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Hello @Claus_Cyrny

now that Gimp 3.0 has been introduced at the Libre Graphics Meeting at Rennes, when will it be available for download?

I suppose everyone is now pondering this very question… :grinning: :grinning:

Joking aside, personally, I suppose there will be some “release candidate” before the version 3.0 is available.

At present, from the GIMP’s commits (on gitlab) , it looks like there is still plenty of bug-fixing stuff, prior to the release (but I might be wrong…):

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This from a recent Gimp 2.99 appimage, so 3.0 RC1 is probably on the horizon.


I have to confess, I am not as enthusiastic as in the day(s) 2.6 → 2.8 and 2.8 → 2.10


Hello @rich2005

I have to confess, I am not as enthusiastic as in the day(s) 2.6 → 2.8 and 2.8 → 2.10

Yeah. I can understand your feeling…

From what I have gathered, as regards this upcoming 3.0 release, there are some very big under-the-hood changes:

  • the upgrade from GTK2 to GTK3 (i.e. the widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces);
  • update of many plugins which were no longer working (e.g. the Python ones);
  • various color-related features aka “space invasion” [1];
  • etc etc.

Some of them might not sound interesting for the end-users but they will be useful for future improvements.

In my very questionable view, for instance, the 2.10 release was not such a big change compared to this upcoming version. For instance, the 3.0 version will have some initial support for the non-destructive editing which has been requested for ages.

[1] GIMP 2.99.18 Released: The Last Development Preview Before 3.0! - GIMP

A big feature is the non destructive editing. Filters etc become part of the layer and you can turn them on and off, adjust settings etc after the fact.


Oh, I thought when it would be introduced at Rennes, Gimp 3.0 is ready for release. So is this still an unstable version?


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There’ll be adjustment layers, right? I have been waiting patiently for this for over 10 years. :grimacing:

Yes, 2.99 is unstable. The presentation at LGM wasn’t a “press release”. We still will have a RC1, maybe a RC2 depending on how things goes and finally the stable version, but without any fixed date at the moment. See: GIMP 3.0.0 release (#10373) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

When the day comes, the 3.0 release will be announced in gimp.org, as always.


There’s the equilavent of Krita filter mask in the NDE Beta. Not as easy to use as Krita filter mask, but progress regardless. My hope is that GIMP gets NDE features that are mechanically as good as Krita ones. Mechanically here refers to how the functions work, not necessarily the quantity or quality or usage of features themselves.

There had been the vague idea to make the release of a release candidate part of the LGM GIMP talk, like one of these push-the-start-button events in similar presentations, but it became obvious that this wouldn’t be manageable.