Where did the "crop and rotate" module in darktable 3.7.0 git 1325 go?

The new module left there: “rotate and perspective” is absolutely insufficient- It is not possible to make a proper cut and there are also various standard aspect ratios, golden cut, etc. Without the ability to make crops as before, Darktable is slowly not suitable for editing photos. This is not the way to go. Will the new module be able to do what the previous one can do?
Sorry for the wrong translation - I don’t speak English and translate using Google Translate.

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Isn’t there a “crop” module (introduced in 3.6.0) ?
Iirc, with the apparition of that module, the deprecation of the “crop and rotate” module was announced…
Here is a discussion about the why of the removal

You should crop using the crop module, and do rotation and keystone correction in rotate and perspective. All features from the old crop & rotate module are now split between these two modules. Oh and the flip (mirror) functions are now in the orientation module.

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Thank you for the explanation. I apologize for the previous words. I searched, but I couldn’t see the module for my eyes. I’m so glad everything is OK. Thank you to everyone involved in the development of Darktable. You are doing a very good job. It’s an amazing photo editing program. Thanks.

remember you can search for a module in the bar just above the top module

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deprecated modules don’t appear in the search (only in the deprecated modules group) so it’s understandable that people are confused when a module is initially deprecated.

not sure whether i understand your point - as you can see from my screenshot if they had searched for crop then the Crop module would be found - obviously not the Crop and Rotate (deprecated) module ?

maybe that was your point that they might not realise it was deprecated and that it has been replaced with the newer Crop module and that they could use that, although perhaps having found it in search they would have been quite tempted to try it :wink: :slight_smile:

The OP was searching for crop & rotate and was unable to find it. Unless you know to look in the deprecated modules group or you’re keeping track of activity on github I can understand how people might be confused as to why it’s suddenly disappeared. Don’t forget that crop was introduced in 3.6 and so has co-existed with crop & rotate for a while. It was only recently, following the extension of the orientation and rotate & perspective modules, that the old module could finally be deprecated. It’s certainly not obvious where all of the c&r functionality has gone, since it’s now been spread around a bit.


Then again, OP is using a development version, i.e. one that can change without warning. Using such a version more or less implies that you’ll have to keep track of changes. So claiming that “Darktable is slowly not suitable for editing photos” sounds a bit strong in this case…

And the existence of deprecated modules is not new for 3.7.0


Let’s give them the benifit of the doubt, as the OP says Google translate was used.


Once again, I apologize for the inappropriate words that “Darktable is slowly not suitable for photo editing.” It’s my fault that I was hasty and couldn’t find the “crop and rotate” module and missed the “crop” module. Next time I write something, I’ll look better. :slight_smile: I appreciate the work of everyone involved in the development of darktable. Thanks.


As with many changes in DT you will not be the first esp on this one asking where something went…I have added a dynamic shortcut for rotation so I can use that when in the new crop mode so basically its not really a big problem…I think its common to need to level things and to crop things there is also room in the UI so I think DT crew should consider a dedicated icon to invoke level and crop functions as there is in RT…again these can be set by keystrokes or whatever but it would be nice esp for levelling if you could click and icon and then draw the levelling line without having to pause to use a keystroke…I might try double right click to invoke it and see if that works…

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