If you check Sony A7 (m2), color calibration module, sometimes quite different colors compared to legacy whitebalance, not always - #28 by priort, you’ll see the D65 multipliers are
2344/1024 = 2.289
1024/1024 = 1
1664/1024 = 1.625
darktable’s reference values are:
With dt’s defaults, picking an area from the blanket’s label in color calibration:
With the multipliers reported by Todd, picking the same area (dt’s multipliers on the left, Todd’s multipliers on the right):
Disabling color calibration, picking WB from the same spot in the white balance module:
(compared to the 1st image, exposure slightliy adjusted to match up with that)
Compared to the 2nd image (that used Todd’s multipliers):