Which TIFF Byte Order is used when TIFF file format is chosen as output?

Hello RT forum,

I have created Uncompressed TIFF (16-bit) files (from Canon CR2 RAW input) using the RT Queue tool.

What is the byte order of the TIFF files, when RT Queue process RAW and creates TIFF?

Background: The printing company I want to use require Interleaved (RGBRGB) byte order in TIFF files. (Aparently there is another option: Per Channel (RRGGBB))

Debian Testing
RT 5.8-2835-gcfda51989 built from source.

OK, found this: Baseline TIFF Tag PlanarConfiguration (TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG), code 284 (0x011C)

TIFF Tag PlanarConfiguration

The specification defines these values:

1 = Chunky format. The component values for each pixel are stored contiguously. For example, for RGB data, the data is stored as RGBRGBRGB
2 = Planar format. The components are stored in separate component planes. For example, RGB data is stored with the Red components in one component plane, the Green in another, and the Blue in another.

When I execute:
exiftool my-output-from-RT.tif | grep Planar
then I get:
Planar Configuration: Chunky

=> 1 = Chunky format. => The component values for each pixel are stored contiguously. For example, for RGB data, the data is stored as RGBRGBRGB => Interleaved (RGBRGB) byte order?



P.S. This is not to be confused w/ byte order (little vs big endian).

Planar is really rare for still images and/or anything that is not chroma subsampled YUV (and I know RT TIFFs are not chroma subsampled).

I guess the printer received some orders with planar TIFF and so decided to add the instruction. I agree the terms are confusing (the byte orders, a planar planar configuration).

@kmilos @Entropy512 @afre
Thank you for the feedback.

I learned something new today :slight_smile:

No need to thank me. You pretty much answered your own question. It is a good thing you posted it for future reference.