Why is Older NASA Launch Film Footage Still the Best?

Just found this, thought it would be of interest here.


Thanks for posting, rather interesting. I wonder what kind of film they used in those 16mm cameras…

Nice video — especially the original footage — but it seems the presenter does not understand that film works completely opposite to digital when it comes to exposure. It’s like someone putting gasoline into a diesel engine and wondering why the motor does not start.

Which does not excuse the modern day space explorers to get a decent camera and create usable footage for the engineers — which would then also be beautiful to the general public like us.

Something low ISO … and then some custom processing (this is a guess) - with a little work in the developing machine you can crank your sigmoid slider from 1.5 down to 0.8 no problem. Once you have compressed your dynamic range you can make nice prints to view.