what do i do guys?
You’re going to have to provide more information than that… What are you doing to get that image?
I suppose the problem you’re speaking about is about colors…?
If so it’s because you’re in “Indexed” color
Go to the GIMP top menu Image > Mode > RGB
(select RGB) and your colors problem will vanish
What I meant is that the image in gimp doesn’t match up to when i export said image
thank you sir but i wanted to ask you a question
what is the difference between RGB and indexxed?
To make it simple, RGB 8-bit you will have 16 777 216 colors, in Indexed you will have only 256 colors, thus if the color you have chosen to fill is not in the indexed palette (256), the software (any) will try to find a nearest color in the palette to replace the color you want to apply (that’s a very simplistic explanation).
Last but not least in a RGB 32-bit color space, is a color depth that can theoretically allow for up to 4 294 967 296 unique colors (but the image will become huge in size, you don’t need it, most used is 8-bit as it’s a good ratio size/colors)