This is where I tell the story of my life, so don’t expect information.
I have been working on deblurring algorithms for 4 years now. I tried deconvolution, the blind and the non blind kind, unsharp masking with fancy guided filters, and before that the usual high-pass (actually an unsharp mask with gaussian blur) then wavelets contrast boosting. The latest has been a diffusing process and you will get that in darktable as the diffuse and sharpen module.
And yet, over the years I have gradually stopped using sharpening methods.
Why ?
I have imprinted in my brain the classical digital look. It was all the rage in the late 2000’s and some people have not evolved from it : saturation + 100%, contrast + 200%, sharpness + 500%. That makes for the caricature of an image, not for an image. All you see in there are the effects, they hide the content and the intent. That’s bad. It’s like a young musician than tries to play loud and fast to show off, and only produces noise in place of music. No content, no intent, only effects.
Perhaps, having 12/10 on each eye makes sharpness not that appealing to me, it’s just business as usual. Or perhaps it is that, having discovered analog film and its subtle softness, I find it more expressive because it’s less realistic. Less surgical. Or even that, with a 4 K screen, I have practically disabled any sub-pixel anti-aliasing in the first place, so that display doesn’t lie to me anymore.
Cartier-Bresson himself said “sharpness is a bourgeois concept”, and he knew a couple of things about the bourgeoisie, being born in industrial upper-class. There is something we need to ask ourselves about sharpness : what does it means ? What does it convey ?
And the truth is it’s meaningless. It’s a technical quality. It is neither beautiful nor ugly, it’s just optics. It reproduces reality 1:1. Yes. And then you find yourself having more skin retouch job to hide all those blemishes nobody saw 30 years ago. Honestly, who gives a flying shit about reality ? We already live in it, isn’t that enough ? Who said that reality had to look real anyway ?
Or perhaps it’s hubris. Sharp lenses are expensive. Producing sharp pictures makes you look like someone who owns expensive gear. Again, no meaning, only metadata.
But my real problem is sharpening looks bad. Whatever method you choose, as soon as you want it to be noticeable, it’s almost impossible to get organic and good-looking results. You will, again, get a caricature : fringes, reversed gradients, non-blended transitions, chromatic aberrations. The truth is sharpening sucks, because there is no really good and clean method to do it, and the ones that come close… well, you computer is not ready for them, but they will sure keep your room warm in winter. Yet it seems that people don’t see it. Whenever I see someone posting a “pleasingly sharp” image, I see edge issues and fake sharpness, and seem to be the only one.
The only real issue with lack of sharpness is with focusing mistakes. Front and back focus are disturbing since your subject is actually not advertised as a subject anymore. So refocusing is a real need, but it won’t be a thing until high-end GPU become “affordable” again because it’s once again expensive and still not perfect.
But for everything else, smoothness is more important than sharpness. Reality is not a line drawing either, objects blend smoothly into each other. All the more since the atmosphere diffuses light a bit.
And it’s a funny thing that painters would spend a significant amount of time to render blurs, hazing and sfumato where photographers spend time to suppress and remove them.
So, why is it that sharpness is one of the most sought-after and discussed property of an image ? What do people see in it that I completely stopped caring about ? Or is it that people care about it because they feel like others do, so they should as well ?