Windows 64 build with integration of lensfun

Can you do a test with this version, please (Windows x64. Gtk3.22-19).

No installer included. Extract the folder “RawTherapee_lensfun-dev” to e.g. your Desktop and run “rawtherapee.exe” inside this folder.
Cache and settings are saved into “localappdata\RawTherapee-lensfun-dev”. It leaves your existing installation untouched. The lensfun database is located in share\lensfun.

Version: 5.2-180-gb1ce30c7
Branch: dev
Commit: b1ce30c7
Commit date: 2017-09-17
Compiler: gcc 7.2.0
Processor: generic x86
System: Windows
Bit depth: 64 bits
Gtkmm: V3.22.0
Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
Build type: release
Build flags: -mwin32 -m64 -mthreads -msse2 -std=c++11 -mtune=generic -Werror=unused-label -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Wall -Wno-unused-result -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -DNDEBUG -O3
Link flags: -m64 -mthreads -static-libgcc -mtune=generic -s -O3
OpenMP support: ON
MMAP support: ON

No problems with locating the database in “no-File-Browser” mode, but it is, one more time, the older version.

I deliver the original database in the the zip file. What happens if you replace the old database with your newer one?

The database in Ver. 5.2-169-g952ada55 is lensdatabase version="2" (timestamp 1502862887), so it doesn’t work with your build. With a ver. 1, timestamp 1502862887, borrowed from the last darktable for Win, it works fine.

So the culprit is lensfun itself. I’m using MSYS official lensfun and @gaaned92 uses a developement version, I guess from here: GitHub - lensfun/lensfun: The Lensfun project Git repository

Did you try to modify the version No. from 2 to 1? Perhaps this works, 'cause I can’t see any differences in the syntax.

did you build from the branch I mentioned above? because there was a bug in dev, so I won’t be so sure to blame lensfun…

No, I didn’t. I’ve build from dev. The release version of lensfun works fine without any issues finding the database. The test @jascal made shows that there is a different behaviour between the release and development version of lensfun, or in other words there’s a bug in the developement version.

Nope, sorry. There is a bug in dev in locating the lensfun db if a custom path is set and RT is built in bundle mode. I believe now I have fixed it in lensfun-db-path-bundle (the version from yesterday was still buggy).

With the current dev:

$ /home/alb/src/RawTherapee/build_clang_dbg/Debug/rawtherapee
Loading lensfun database from './share/lensfun'...FAIL

With the current lensfun-db-path-bundle:

$ /home/alb/src/RawTherapee/build_clang_dbg/Debug/rawtherapee
Loading lensfun database from '/home/alb/src/RawTherapee/build_clang_dbg/Debug/./share/lensfun'...OK

Same lensfun version.

EDIT: both configured with BUILD_BUNDLE=1 and LENSFUNDBDIR=share/lensfun

Is it necessary to set a custom path? Without setting a path RT first looks in the share folder and if there is nothing it looks in loacalAppData.

No, in general it’s not necessary. But it is useful if e.g. you have multiple versions of lensfun installed in your system, and you want to make sure that RT is not affected by them (see a few posts above for a concrete scenario).

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It works perfectly.

@noteasy2beme, thanks for the feedback.

@gaaned92, I suggest not to set a lensfun path for Windows builds. The “share” folder inside RT has the highest priority, so everything should work fine without the path.

I found the issue I experienced was due to unmatched dll’s and the lens data. Basically, I used the dll’s came from the MSYS2 installed lensfun and the data from the build you created (I guess you build the lensfun package yourself).

After I build the lensfun package and replaced the liblensfun.dll, everything works perfectly.

I believe it’s worth noting that lensfun package installed by MSYS2 has a much older lens database than the one you can build from the source code.

My pleasure.

I believe I found the solution for the issue I experienced. Please see my reply to agriggio for what exactly happened.

@agriggio @TooWaBoo

As it was not true for my first build, am I true if I suppose it is applicable to last dev version?

It is really important that RT/lensfun access the local ./share/lensfun DB as we don’t know what other app put in the localappdata

Are all lensfun modifications from included in dev branch?

@TooWaBoo don’t use the lensfun github repository. It’s only used for DB update.

I think you should test that the lensfun-db-path-bundle works properly on windows. I tested on linux and it seems fine, but given that the problem is most likely to be more visible on windows (on linux I suppose most people will either use the stock lensfun provided by their distro and/or will be ready to deal with a custom lensfun themselves), I’d appreciate a confirmation that it works as intended also there. Meaning: it should only find the db in the LENSFUNDBDIR path, everything else should be ignored.

Once we get some evidence that the above branch works ok, I’ll merge it into dev


To be certain, I build lensfun-db-path-bundle with -DLENSFUNDBDIR=share/lensfun
and test with different locations of the DB

Yes, correct

RawTherapee lensfun-db-path-bundle 5.2-182-g6f7ca3f5

verified in verbose mode.

  • access to ./share/lensfun ok. corrections ok
  • Suppression of ./share/lensfun. access to ./share/lensfun fail
  • copy of DB in %localappdata. access to ./share/lensfun fail

BUT, for RawTherapee dev 5.2-184-g33867a4b : behaviour seems the same.

did you delete the options file among the tests? the only difference between the two branches is in how the default path is initialized. the difference might seem minor, but for users installing a lensfun-enabled RT for the first time, it’s the default that matters…