Windows 7 failure 5.X, 5.1, 5,2, 5,3, 5.4, 5.5 libraries, right-click

Except, yes, I’ve also made sure to thoroughly uninstall–used GeekUninstaller including the registry bits removal function–4.2 before installing 5.6.

Please stop assuming that I’ve never installed an application on a Windows 7 computer.

Look, you made a huge error when you didn’t know that RT doesn’t replace old versions when it’s installed. So that’s not “knowledge” about RT on Win7 you’re expressing.

RT doesn’t see folders. Right click can see files, but then telling Windows to add the option of “open with RT” results in the files being assigned to Aftershot. I’ve gone over this at least half a dozen times. Nothing has changed in my responses–except I added the point about Aftershot yesterday. No, it’s not just one file. And I have no idea why you said a thing about a folder.

Yeah, this is going to require thought. Not like I’ve not been trying solutions with every release since 4.3.

If this thread can’t stay constructive, positive, and moving towards a resolution, then I’ll have to permenantly lock it.

This means no insults, no name calling, no being rude.


I am not talking about opening raw files through Windows Explorer. I am talking about starting the RT software and use its own file browser to find your files and open them. Does that work?

No, that doesn’t work. Never worked with 4.2 either.

@JayKonnor A screenshot could be helpful.

I have seen this kind of thing happen to me time after time after time on my own system as my Windows installation acquires more and more muck in its internals over time. The Windows registry, the system drivers, all the required .dll’s and .sys’s, and on and on are all involved and as time goes by they get more and more out of synch and it becomes impossible for anyone short of a Microsoft developer to chase down all the subtle issues. Why go through the torture and frustration of trying to get it all back together?

It’s amazing how many problems that you didn’t even know you had can disappear with a fresh installation of Windows! You would be amazed how much snappier all your programs will run and how many subtle issues will go away.

Well, then you have to deal with your moderators and their propensities to hurl insults first.

RT has had serious problems for years with Win 7, and basically the release of 5 made it unusable until 5.5 dropped at the end of 2018.

No amount of blaming others is going to reverse that.

You can see from the responses I got in Dec 2018 that looking into serious problems was NOT a priority.


Except this Windows installation is barely used, except to get updates to keep it current.

This is NOT a drive I used for years and it got “mucked” up.

If such were the case then the drive would have problems running other applications; it doesn’t.

I note you made no specific suggestions regards what to fix.

Since you’re clearly unfamiliar with what a Windows “reinstallation” involves:

It means updating (and activating) dozens of applications; it’s days of work. It is unbelievably arrogant what you’ve suggested. It also tells me that you have no idea of Microsoft’s infamous Windows’ “stability” history.

Additionally, you clearly didn’t read my first post where I explained that RT didn’t work for more than a year, and then started to work correctly with the release of 5.5 on one Windows 7 drive. This fact coupled with the fact that the back up drive is updated and works flawlessly says the failure is something in RawTherapee 5.X.

Furthermore, the much faster way to a C back up with RT 5.6 working correctly on it would be to clone the C drive on which RT 5.6 functions correctly. That would only take a blank drive that’s big enough and 10 hours. (Now of course it would copy all sorts of files I don’t keep copies of on my back up, so that’s another few hours of cleaning.)

Will you be sending me that 1TB (hybrid) 7mm 2.5 inch SATA drive?


A screenshot of a non-working arrow over libraries? How would that help?

Perhaps, I’ll post one in a week or 3 when the drive is again in my laptop.

Of course, RT 5.6 ain’t installed on that drive, just the sort of working RT 4.2, which also has the libraries failure.

You had 4+ months to ask this question. Instead…

Yeah, I said that.

OMG, you just don’t know how arrogant you read.

The back up drive isn’t simply used for years. Also “low end”.

Your post tells me you know little of running a Windows system.

Oh, and when was the clone new? Answer late 2011.

We’ve had plenty of chances to be nice and it hasn’t happened.