Windows10 issues

When creating Tif files in ART, I have a choice of including the processing information as a separate file, or not at all. I have tried both.
My settings are the same as my ART 1.5.4 version that functions properly.
I’m not clear where the “copy unchanged” or “apply modifications” settings that you mention can be found.


In the metadata tab, at the top

I set it to strip all metadata and it works great now. Thanks for the help.

If you can share a raw file it could still be helpful to understand what is going on…

I would be glad to. Do you have a way I can FTP it to you. My email provider blocks big file transfers. My raw files are 45 MB.

You can put it on Dropbox, Google drive or some other similar service and then send me a link.

This is from a Nikon D850.

Thanks for the file. Does it work if you use “apply modifications” instead of “strip all metadata”?
Screenshot from 2021-03-16 13.11.34

No. It only works with “strip all metadata”.

what error(s) do you get? can you try unticking some of the metadata boxes (see screenshot) to see if there is a specific offending tag? First candidates would be the informative tags (copyright, artist, image description, user comment). Sorry but I do not have photoshop so I can’t do this myself unfortunately…:
Screenshot from 2021-03-16 14.56.58

The first three lines read “User Comment”, “Artist”, “Copyright”. They are the only three that have check marks. The software does not allow me to check or uncheck any of the boxes.

I can check and uncheck them in my V1.5.4.

What version are you using exactly?1.8.2 from the webpage?

It’s a 1.8.2 nightly build I downloaded on 3/14.

Ok. I’m not really sure how the nightly versions are built…can you try with the “official” 1.8.2?

 I gave it a try. Windows shuts the program down as soon as the logo and file browser appear.

I see. Is there some other windows user with access to Photoshop who might be willing to help me figure out what is going on? Thanks!


I am building ART locally on my machine, Win 10x64; have the latest Photoshop.
I am using ART without stability issues. I would suggest to check conflicts with antivirus.

I must admit I never use RT/ART for metadata management, and am only replying on Adobe Bridge for this purpose.

I will try to help. What test would you like me to do?

Thanks for the offer! What I’d like to understand is whether exporting tiff files with metadata (in ‘apply modifications’ mode) results in files that can’t be opened with Photoshop – and if so, what is the error message. (In particular, using the d850 raw file above, but also other tests would be interesting). I don’t know what to look for specifically, as I don’t have Photoshop myself…

Hi Alberto,

When I open that NEF in ART 1.8 for Windows 10, all at default, and save it as a 16-bit TIFF, I get an 8kB file full of zeros. See the screenshot : [Edit:, Ops, my bad see below]

[Edit: Turns out that I did not have enough space in the RAM disk for the 270MB file. Though now you know that ART does not throw an out of mem error :)]