WindowsTablet and Gimp

Will gimp work with a windows tablet? What are the needed specs? Any input would be helpful. Thanx

Hi, @Ann_Brown, and welcome to the forum! :heart:

In theory, and assuming the tablet is running a compatible OS (in this case, Windows 7 or higher), yes; GIMP will run on a Windows tablet (a quick internet search will provide details of minimum resource requirements — they’re pretty modest).

However, whether or not it would be practical is a different question entirely — it very much depends on what you’re intending to use it for; to get the most out of it, you’d really need a good desktop PC with a decent CPU and a generous amount of RAM (and, of course, a monitor that’s suitable for the task).

As GIMP is completely free and open-source, why not download it and give it a whirl?

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