Winter Scene with 3D LUT

I was playing around with the 3D LUT module in DT using the HaldCLUT luts from Raw Therapee just to see what could be done. This photo seemed to be a good one to experiment with so I thought I would post for others to play with - with or without LUTs.

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF (26.6 MB)
2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (15.7 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike


Excellent 3D look on my screen! **

I only have Fuji film-simulation HaldCLUTs in RT … is that particular HaldCLUT available for download from anywhere?

[edit] as I later found out here, that image’s look has nothing to do 3D LUTs, duh [/edit]

This package was linked on rawpedia. (Which is currently not available, but the download works)

Thank you !!

FireFox rejected the link but I’ll try it with “http” changed to “https” … BIG file 400MB+ so, …


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The results are often unpredictable unless you know the colorspace that the lut was designed for and then if DT supports that… of course it can still be pleasing but often might not match the look shown for it if there is an example provided for the look on a site such as fresh luts or whatever… The 3DLut module allows you to support some luts but many are video or CINE luts and so will produce a result in DT that is nothing like what the intended “Look” or design of the LUT is supposed to do…you can still land on a pleasing result in an image but I find its not so much a targeted tool as throw it on and see what it looks like…

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I am beginning to think that a “3DLUT” does not literally produce a 3D image but maybe holds it’s parameters in three axes for some reason … duh.

The points you make are all completely valid. I have played around with LUTS from various sources (including fresh luts) but was never that happy with the results.

I downloaded the rawtherapee file a couple of weeks ago and find them much more enjoyable to work with. Using them in multiply mode seems to be a little more to my taste - even if it requires some ‘toning down’.

@cedric - I did have a little trouble finding a valid link to download and I can’t find the link right now. Searching rawtherapee and should eventually lead you to the file. It may have been on some GitHub page.


This is correct - 3D refers to the type of file.

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In the mean time you can find a lot of them here

and ON1 photo raw software also has a fairly large selection…and there are many many places to get them…

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thx, Todd! I just opened the huge earlier-referenced folder and am considering whether or not to move them in the RT folder … not sure if I have enough time left on the planet to look at them all … :upside_down_face:

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My version…

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (4,5 KB)


I’m not a big fan of LUTs. I want to have my own look and full control over my pictures.
LUTs are in the end just presets, so nothing against them, when you created them on your own.

Here is my LUT free edit.
I’m sorry, I fear it got somewhat extreme…

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (31,1 KB)

or with a little bit different colours:

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (31,6 KB)


2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (13.5 KB)


2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.arp (14.3 KB)


Based on my first edits a more moderate version:

2020-02-09_09-37-47_01.NEF.xmp (29,7 KB)


100% on the same page here. For better or worst I like to handcraft my own images and am not looking for one click or AI solutions to my edits. I noticed there are some spots on the sensor or lens but I didn’t use the retouch module to get rid of these. But it might be worth checking the camera before your next outing with it.

Here is my edit and I wanted to keep the monotone look of the scene.

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (14.3 KB)


Without LUT, a monochrome rendering with Filmulator.

And one in colour (I forgot to crop the B&W, sorry):


2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (12.7 KB)

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I really like Filmulator’s rendering, I wonder if we couldn’t integrate its “film emulation” in the form of a module for Darktable.

Greetings from Luberon (France)

2020-02-09_09-37-47.NEF.xmp (31.0 KB)