Working with modules from Lua scripts in darktable


I figured it out. The translation files have to be converted from text to binary (.po files to .mo files) using msgfmt.

To get examples/gettextExample.lua to work you need to go to <your lua scripts directory>/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES and run the command
msgfmt -v ../../../examples/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gettextExample.po -o

Then try running the script and you should see the correct output.

thats what I did…

What is the LANG environment variable set to? Mine was de_DE.utf8

same for me:
env: „de_DE.UTF-8“

let me try it on a “clean” VM.

I will do that on Tuesday or Wednesday.

@wpferguson : It works if I rename the locale folder “de_DE” to “de”. Same for Spanish “es_ES” and “es”.

You discussed this in another (older) thread: German script translation: charset UTF-8 deficient on Windows 10 · Issue #244 · darktable-org/lua-scripts · GitHub

For me, it is okay now. It works even outside the darktable config folder, in a separate folder below the script file (if I extend the package.path in the luarc file). It works on Arch based EndeavourOS and Windows 10 (VM).


The .po file is quite simple, it refers to de_DE and UTF-8 and it must be transformed to .mo as described:

Now I can start with the actual translation :slight_smile: I’ll start with the German translation, then the Spanish can follow.


I did rename the de_DE to de but it fails to start for me on Manjaro/Arch 4.5.0+2~g41cb1baa1d

Do you use the newest version 1.2.0 of the script, as released today?

For me, it works with Arch-based EndeavourOs, quite similar to Manjaro.

Do you get any error message, starting it with darktable -d lua?

No error messages with -d lua startup
The require is in luarc correctly
and the 1.2.0 module sits in the examples
It shows correctly in the scripts
… simply fails to load

My Error:
Now shows the folllowing:
34.4903 LUA ERROR: script_manager.lua: activate: 367: Error loading examples/InitialWorkflowModule
34.4904 LUA ERROR: script_manager.lua: activate: 368: Error message: module ‘examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1.2.0/InitialWorkflowModule’ not found:
no field package.preload[‘examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1.2.0/InitialWorkflowModule’]
no file ‘/usr/share/lua/5.4/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule.lua’
no file ‘/usr/share/lua/5.4/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule/init.lua’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule.lua’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule/init.lua’
no file ‘./examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule.lua’
no file ‘./examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule/init.lua’
no file ‘/usr/share/darktable/lua/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule.lua’
no file ‘/home/david/.config/darktable/lua/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/InitialWorkflowModule.lua’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/’
no file ‘./examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1/2/0/’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/examples/’
no file ‘/usr/lib/lua/5.4/’
no file ‘./examples/’

does any of these filenames match your installation?

Looks like no files correctly placed in /usr/share or /usr/lib areas … only files in /.config location
I guess I need to manually install as needed … bit strange

I did not use script manager for some month.

Now, with script manager, I get the same messages as you.

Could you require the script in luarc directly, as described in my readme?

This is in my luarc
require “tools/script_manager”

you could try this:


this points to the file directly, without script manager. If you do not need script manager, you can comment it out with –

– require “tools/script_manager”

second option: You can extract the script files somewhere else and use

package.path = package.path … “;[any path]/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1.2.0/?.lua”
require “InitialWorkflowModule”

I got it work, even with script manager and require “tools/script_manager”:

Please rename the installation folder, remove the last digits:




My luarc now contains
require “tools/script_manager”
require “examples/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module-1.2.0/InitialWorkflowModule”
The script manager is not displaying …
If I remove the old item it makes no difference.

please just try it with

require “tools/script_manager”

and the renamed installation folder:


YES … it works.
Will mess with it after something cooling!
Thanks for your patience

you are welcome!

seems, script manager does not like these special characters, you never stop learning.

good night, it’s 3am here now :slight_smile: