Hello, I have only been working with Darktable 4.8.1 (Windows) for 6 weeks and am very happy with the possibilities. But today I had a strange behavior.
I select a directory in the collections
The images are displayed, but some thumbnail views are definitely not correct, although the image information is correct
If I double-click on the image, the correct image appears in the darkroom, but in the lower thumbnail view there are always incorrect images of other images.
Each time I click on an incorrect thumbnail, the image is displayed correctly in the darkroom and shortly afterwards is also displayed correctly in the thumbnail strip.
In the first you see the boat in the water and then 4 pictures of a church that are not correct.
in the second I’ve clicked at the first one from the church and then it shows the correct on of a boat in the water.
in the third I’ve clicked the last two of the church, and…
If you can give me time till wednesday I will check another set an make a better description.
I’ve started with 4.6xx and updated to 4.8.1
I will give the “reset cached thumbnails” a chance , and give you a feedback in a few days, because I’m on travel in a few minutes
Thanks for the moment
I’ve tried the “reset cached thumbnails”, closed darktable and started again, but same problem.
I then checked some other collections and all was ok.
I then deleted the collection with the problem, closed and started darktable and imported the whole picture folder again.
The problem has gone.
So thanks for all the help.
Each image has its own imageid in the dt database.
The thumbnail of the image in the mipmaps_XXXXXX/1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 folders has the same name (imageid.jpg).
Find the mipmaps folder and delete the jpg files with the same filename as the imageid from each subfolder.
The thumbnails should be rebuilt after running dt.
thanks for the info but can’t find a mipmaps folder on my W11 System.
I’m a DT rookie and a GUI-User, but that’s the next level after learning the basics.
At the moment I’m happy how it works and that it works
Dear @DarekK,
thanks… found it in C:\Users\Guenter\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable\mipmaps-3eb720974b32f259f4492dd412d26d98a6c411a2.d
I’ve started search in C:\Users\Guenter\AppData\Local\darktable
To avoid questions “where is this” You can put/redirect config folder and cache folder to Your folders.
Just open windows desktop → properties window of darktable put additional info to end of line “Element docelowy” new values --configdir and --cachedir
That’s great…so many thanks
Last, little question…when I put the configdir and cachedir parameters to the prperties, do I have to move the old directories to the new place or is it done by DT itself.
And does it work for all parameters shown in darktable 4.8 user manual - darktable