wrong white balance

RT 5.4 and RT 5.dev appimage.

The image is from a Fuji xpro2. Everything’s blue.

Here’s the screenshot from opening the image in RT with the Digikam embedded preview next to it.

Is there anything I should do so that it comes out normal, or do I just have to edit it by hand, change the white balance (which is currently set to 5083)…




I see nothing wrong here.

First, the embedded preview is B/W, you should have set your camera to generate B/W jpeg. So… hard to compare ? :wink:

Secondly, your picture is underexposed (quite common with snow shots). Fix it in RT !
I see in your exif that your camera white balance is set to manual. How exactly ? RT takes the camera WB by default. Your picture look like it’s taken during the dusk, or at least with lots of clouds. If your camera is set to “daylight”, it’s wrong, so you obviously need to fix this in RT (which is easy)