Yellow Mask Question

There are times when the yellow mask fails to appear in my system. When I try to see the mask the entire image simply goes gray-scale but no mask is shown. Obviously I am creating some form of conflict but despite trying several options I cannot see where the problem lies. I sometimes simply restart the module and that cures the problem … but that is a bit of a nuisance.
Anybody else seeing this problem.

I’m assuming you are talking about parametric?? Single channel or multiple channel mask?? Can you share an example…

Hard to share an example because if I restart the module it will usually run correctly the next time.
My original thought was that I was seeing a conflict with the color-picker or the overexposure indicators … either may be leaving something in place that created the problem. Anyway, it is an intermittent problem and obviously rests on something that I am doing.
My surprise is that nobody else is seeing the same thing!

Well it could be a simple thing like say using inclusive mode…I would have to check and I rarely use it but with exclusive everything is masked and as you specify restrictions you identify and refine the selection to an area. With inclusive nothing starts masked and as you make the mask selections things are added … I wonder if it is some interplay here or maybe not…

FWIW I also sometimes have problems with the mask not being displayed correctly. I think it’s typically resolved by some clicking around (involving disabling and reenabling the mask view). However, I haven’t found a reproducible failure case yet and hence also didn’t make a bug report so far.

I’ve also had intermittent glitches as described above for some time.

OK … so it is not just me!!

Is there any chance that this happens when you have a combination of selections that would produce a null…
Say you have an image…I just happen to have this one up…

Pick a couple of channels in the parametric mask using exclusive which is an “and” operation and the combination doesn’t have pixels that qualify for both condition’s…

Switch to inclusive which is an "or " operation and some pixels are masked…

Its easy enough to try …if this is the issue then moving to inclusive will likely show some pixels masked…

Or maybe there are times when the mask doesn’t behave… just a thought

I now suspect that the problem lies where I have several (at least more than 1) modules that are using masks.
Possibly a module is not fully closed or another instance of the same module (also using a mask) is causing the glitch.
I need to test this out further.

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