Yet another sunset over the roofs.

Hi there, friends! This is my first submission to Play Raw. A snapshot from my balcony in Porto, Portugal. I made an upgrade from the a6600 to the a7r iii only yesterday, Its so crazy what you can get away with cropping with this camera! I know this is just a subjectless snapshot, but I kinda like where I landed at after playing for a while, somewhere between tranquility and loneliness. Curious to see if it interests others too!

I was afraid that the lines on the building would create an unpleasant moire effect so i decided to add a bit of bloom to help everything blend together a little. Would love to hear your thoughts on this decision and the overall edit!

Ps. sidecar is a mess!

Took this
20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (37.4 KB)
20240712_0033.ARW (41.2 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


And a second attempt, trying a little warmer, but afraid its too saturated now.


My fun with Rt and GIMP


Very nice! The uncropped version showing the balcony puts the viewer back in the photo, i like it!

Here’s my attempt. I wanted to highlight the contrast in the light touching the wall and keep some of the colour in the shaded areas. Also changed the crop to add what I thought was a leading line and framed in the dormer in the lower right hand corner.
All scene referred workflow with most major changes happening in the tone equalizer, local contrast, colour balance, and contrast equalizer modules.


darktable 4.8 + LUT Fuji Provia 100F

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (10.6 KB)

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Huge fan of your crop! Actually inspired me to redo it yet again. Thanks!


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The diagonal lines of the buildings on the right made me change perspective.

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (10,9 KB)

and then it got the Svalbard Seed Vault treatment :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

20240712_0033_01.ARW.xmp (11,4 KB)

Btw huge fan of the lighting in your edit and the overall composition, let alone mentioning that the resolution is crazy good quality, it surely makes me want to up my game since I’m still “stuck” with 24 megapixels.

I am usually not a big fan of cropping (maybe just because I can’t do it or am indecisive when it comes to editing my own pictures), but it felt natural this time.


I liked the canyon between the buildings cast into shadow by the low sun.

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (6.8 KB)


@martin.scharnke This really brings out the “seaside trip memories” from when I was a kid.
Very soothing palette!

Just one thing, I think “high quality resampling” got unchecked in your export settings because of the moiré and artefacts introduced, especially noticeable in the metal lines which seemed to be overlapping.
I tried turning it on with your xmp and exported at the same size and the transition got smoother.

high quality resampling = no - metal detail high quality resampling = yes - metal detail
HQ resampling off vs HQ resampling on

high quality resampling = no high quality resampling = yes
HQ resampling off vs HQ resampling on


Going off on a tangent here so please forgive me. But I believe high quality resampling is turned off by default in DT. Should I turn it on during export or is this case specific. Hmm…I also better read the manual on this feature, but would appreciate your opinion either way.

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I liked the action on the street and wanted to include it.

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (13.8 KB)

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a second version:

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (18,4 KB)

or a little bit warmer:

20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (18,9 KB)


20240712_0033.ARW.xmp (12.5 KB)

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a nasty “darling, you are not able to drive right now!” approach

20240712_0033_rt_01.jpg.out.pp3 (29.1 KB)


You’re not wrong @Terry, I now recall that I turned mine on because I noticed artefacts around lamps in a previous Play Raw when downsampled. If unchecked, it can hurt the quality by introducing jagged lines, dark stripes around objects, or cause moiré.

The blog post for its introduction states this:

For a long time, the default setting was to resize early in the pixel pipeline in order to lower both memory requirements and processing time. This may seem appealing but it has a serious drawback; an early resize throws away lot of precious detail that modules could use at your advantage.

When “Do high quality resampling …” is enabled, darktable processes the image as its full resolution until the very end of the pixel pipeline, and only then, resizes it. In this mode, detail is preserved but more memory and CPU power is required to process the photography.

Source: Upcoming features: New interpolation modes and better resize | darktable

I left it on because it didn’t impact me so much, after all, it’s performed when downsampling so full-res takes the same amount of time. I prefer a slower export over having to do it again by changing the setting for the images where that stuff occurs; then again, every user has different machines and needs. In my case, I always prefer to downscale at the end so it goes with my workflow.

I think the mouse-hover tooltips in export settings could benefit with an overhaul, the way it’s done in the darkroom for module settings, to give an immediate sense of the impact of such features.
User can still go to the manual for further reading, yes, but being warned upfront is key.
Instead of “do high quality resampling during export” a better, in-depth, tooltip could be: “High quality resample processes the image at full resolution, downscale is performed at the end. The process is slower but helps with fine detail and avoiding artefacts or moiré patterns”.

I’m sorry for the wall of text, I tried making it shorter, but I hope it can help people with exporting and downscaling shots like this. Otherwise, feel free to tell me to make another thread about this topic, and I’ll pull this down.


Hi, thank you very much for the tip! Yes, I overlooked it completely in my settings. I had added a bit of bloom just to make this transition smoother, will give a sharpened version a try now.

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Yes, the issue is that it’s easy to overlook these things, I turned it on after two weeks of experimenting other features because I was focused solely on rendering rather than exporting, I hope it helps somewhat. If it wasn’t for you telling us, I wouldn’t even have thought there was bloom and that you already that export feature on, something I realized later with the xmp :melting_face:

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