3.0 How to get good results automatically?

Yes. I was using Local Laplacian LC because of M Pierre’s recommendation. But I do notice it very quickly applies an ugly ‘dark halo’ effect.

And I have noticed that Bilateral Grid LC does not do this — at all.

done - german is here: darktable 3: RGB oder Lab? Welche Module? Hilfe!

@anon41087856: Two things are unclear though:

Les modules qui travaillent en RGB linéaire et réalisent des opérations non-linéaires mais respectueuses de la chrominance (à condition d’activer le mode ad-hoc ) sont :

  1. courbes RGB ,
  2. niveaux RGB .

What does ad-hoc refer to?

Balance couleur :

  • CDL : RGB_sortie = (slope × RGB_entrée + offset)^power

What does CDL stand for?

The english version on hackmd.io is also unclear about these.
Thanks - great article, great background infos.


Ad-hoc is latin for “designed specifically for that purpose”. RGB levels and curves can preserve the chroma provided you enabled their “chroma preservation” mode.

Colour decision list, aka slope/offset/power mode in color balance.


Thanks for quick explanation. I added that als footnotes to the translation.

It just occurred to me that you can do the following:

Turn off auto-apply basecurve and auto-apply sharpen in the presets
Create module presets auto applying filmic, tone equalizer etc.

Works fine………:grinning:!

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Something else I’ve only just discovered that will significantly streamline my workflow…

It’s possible to create presets that are auto-applied to images but start off disabled. This means that you can override the default module settings but still enable those modules one-by-one. That way you can see the effect of each module in turn and tweak them at the right point in your workflow (without having to manually select a preset each time you move to a new module).

Just set set up the module as you like, disable it, then create your preset.

I knew you could do that with styles - didn’t know you could do it with presets.

Edit: Having used this on a few edits now, be careful because if you compress history stack and go back to an earlier stage, or reset the parameters, you’ll be back to the usual darktable defaults. I think it would still be nice (perhaps I’ll raise a feature request) to be able to change the actual module defaults so that they survive a reset and don’t appear in the history stack until switched on.


So… I see Rawtherapee 5.8 has Capture Sharpening, link. This is the sharpening that I have been looking for earlier in this thread, link.

Can DT do this, or anything roughly equivalent?


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That’s work in progress : Got an image problem ? Go see the image doctor.

What if you moved them after filmic, which it is said outputs between 0 and 1?

Because after filmic, we are display-referred. Not scene-referred. The tone equalizer is designed to be scene-referred, and has an internal way of linearly scaling things back between 0 and 1 without applying any kind of non-linear transform. The filmic scaling is highly non-linear by design.

I was thinking of rgb levels and rgb curves since they can’t control values outside of 0-1, and filmic’s output is between 0-1. Having read your article, Darktable 3:RGB or Lab? Which Modules? Help!, I’ve stopped using those two, but reading this post, thought maybe there was a way to put them to work.

Thank you, BTW, for that article because I was lost before reading it.