A7RIII pixel shift and RT

I have put the magnet shots on file bin with ID dhgxphk9keylg4e5. For some reason, it’s saying “You cannot post a link to that host.”

I used f/8 and did ISO 100, 3200, and 25600. ISO 3200 is not really all that noisy, so I added 25600. That one has the extra bonus of showing lighting bars (sun was already down).

I’ll upload motion shots next.

This is where theory meets the road. The theory is assuming no positional, lighting, mechanical imperfections. So the developer must makeup for the difference in reality and theory. The illumination option, movement compensation etc are those methods and as we learn more about PS we’ll find more to compensate for.

But when you see some of the examples of PS working, you know it is what you want to do if you can overcome the present day problems. I think having Sony in the loop will sure help from the hardware side of the situation.

RT at present is by far the best Pixel Shift processing tool available.


I have uploaded two shots with motion to Filebin | w6vabcr6ndktteo7.

The short exposure one is 1/10sec and the long is 2sec.


Thanks @ron

Here’s a screenshot showing the motion mask of one of your example files.

At ISO 100 the motion detection seems to work quite well out of the box though we’re using constants for Pentax K70…

Just for fun, here’s Sony vs RT on the ISO 25600 shot. (Sony default settings – including automatic noise reduction, RT edited to taste)



Here’s my version using RT

Can you post before/after crops of some of the moving bits? I’m definitely curious about how it handles water in comparison to foliage.

@ron Which OS are you using. If it’s Windows or MacOS we may provide builds of the sony_pixelshift_branch. Then you can test yourself :wink:

I just took some daylight shots of the target and I will upload them when I get home later today. I’ll also see what I can do about tungsten light.

Do you want them on filebin or RPU or both?

Win 10 64-bit. That would be great, thanks!

@gaaned92 Could you provide a build of the sony-pixel-shift branch? That would be great :slight_smile:

No RPU, filebin should be fine. But let’s ask @Morgan_Hardwood, he’s the one that will build the dcp profile.

https://filebin.net/ would be great.
Please confirm that you release the photos into the public domain, or at least that you agree to:

I release the photos into the public domain.

Yes, starting building. should be done in a few minutes.


uploaded at

Install where you want.
Config folder in LOCALAPPDATA/rawtherapee5-dev

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I’m afraid I can’t any difference using “Equalize brightness”, “False color suppression steps” however do smooth things out a fair bit.

@heckflosse The processing of the file is as I mentioned way over the top. I just found the patterning interesting and potentially corresponding with @rechmbrs theory. If I remember correctly we saw it in my previous test file when you implemented PS and you suggested “false color suppression” which indeed does a pretty good job.

Thank you very much :+1:

I’m absolutely impressed with the speed of getting the A7RIII Pixel Shift version to a level where you have a test version for users. I asked about the possibility of getting work done and in 4 days you are there. Leads me to say this about the code that it is reapproachable (new word for software that is easy enough to quickly modify) and that the developers understand what they are doing. This is not standard FOSS but rivals top level pay-for-software.

RONC :grinning::grinning::grinning:


Well, some parts of RT are quite nice (pixelshift is one of them). Some others… I’ll just say that you can see that there have been many different developers doing many different things at different times and with different goals :wink:

I don’t know that, but there are many FOSS projects with excellent code bases (including many of the popular ones around here – e.g. darktable)


Holy over-generalization, batman!

If it were not for top quality, Free Software solutions like the Linux kernel, apache, nginx, mySQL, postgres, and tons and tons of other things, we wouldn’t have the internet as we know it, android, macOS, Firefox, Chrome, Roku boxes, many of your camera firmwares, or many many other great pieces of technology.