Rawtherapee and GIMP 2.10.34 and
It always works brilliantly for me, with one click.
_img6450.dng.xmp (19.3 KB)
I love scenes like this. I don’t think I conveyed the eerie vibe very well, but it’s a lot like the mornings at my favorite wildlife refuge. Edited in Darktable.
Not an easy task but an and important practice for me:
I tried to maintain the foggy (and eerie!) atmosphere, and yet, to introduce some as real as possible - color.
It wasn’t easy for me not to cross the line between frost-fog-dust-smoke… or something post-apocalyptic / nuclear radiation struck
I kept wondering: how does fog affect perception of colors? I guess… you had to be there to know.
Thank you guys for inspiring and educating takes!
And thank you op for the practice!
This took me 5 versions, with ART:
AnEerieFogRolledIn.jpg.out.arp (11.5 KB)
EDIT: I think I’m starting to understand that sometimes you have to sacrifice some details - for the desired atmosphere. This here is maybe colorful and ‘real’, but not very “eerie”.
_img6450.dng.xmp (18.4 KB)
Foggy pictures are fun to push around and “play with” by going to extremes, even if the end result is not particularly good. radioactivity
Is this the Matrix version? Blue fog or red fog?
Yes There’s a crossroads at the end of the bridge
_img6450.dng.xmp (15.0 KB)