Hi all!
I made the mistake of not communicating this clearly earlier (my apologies to the RT team) and wanted to give a quick update on the status of Rawpedia.
Rawpedia is the last vestige of very old infrastructure that we were running for the RT project. It’s a mediawiki installation running on our shared webhost (that everything else has been migrated out of to our own servers now).
I was asked to add a new user to the wiki software a few weeks back and decided it was a good time to upgrade the mediawiki software as well as the PHP being used to keep secure. In doing that I broke Rawpedia. Well, there’s a wonderful theme that @XavAL had built for the site a while back and something in the upgrade didn’t like one of the extensions that was being loaded for the site, so it didn’t render.
I have since reverted the mediawiki to use the default theme/skin monobook
and that has it up and running at least (although not as pretty as the previous skin).
I’m going to poke the install and try editing out some of the extensions being used to see if I can get it back to looking like its former glory.
It’s always been my intention to migrate the wiki to something more secure, faster, and on our own servers. This felt like as good a time as any to start the process.
Note, this is a process we’ve done a few times already for many of the other projects. We’ve migrated websites to be static sites generated using the hugo static site generator. The reasons are the same for the myriad of website migrations we’ve done for other projects (and indeed for the original RT website, iirc).
- Static sites are inherently safer for everyone involved. They are just static html/css/js assets being served by the webserver. There’s no server-side processing using anything like Python, PHP, Rust, Node, etc. Just plain 'ol html (css, js).
- This reduces our required manpower to manage servers and interruptions (server upgrades, library upgrades, checking that stuff doesn’t explode, etc). This also reduces costs.
- It provides an authentication workflow and history logging automatically when we use git to control the files and content.
- The content itself is just a bunch of markdown text files.
My proposal is to migrate the content from Rawpedia into a static website and to manage the content through a git repo. There will be some adjustment to editing content files in this way, but honestly, there’s only a small handful of users on the site to begin with (less than 10) and there are web-based gitlab tools for editing content in a browser pretty easily.
There will be some migration pains, no doubt, but I think we’ll be in a better place to move forward in general.