ancetre fiat 500

The author of this post attached two versions of the photos, which I took as a bit of a joke.

It’s not all fo pa in this tongue-in-cheek montage.
In the Cuban landscape on the road incorrectly parked Fiat (they are not there )
Intentional incorrect scaling
No windows in the car

I’m a bit picky here…that is a Fiat 600 not a 500.


non c est une fiat 500 la 600 a le cul plus arrondie

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It’s a Fiat 600D. You can google other Fiat600 and Fiat500 to see the difference (look at the moldings near the license plate or on the doors). Usually the D version has the doors with upwind opening. This one has a different logo, though. Maybe the restoration is not perfect, but it is a 600. Also look at the hood design.

IMG_7163.CR2.xmp (13.6 KB)

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IMG_7163_01.CR2.xmp (12.1 KB)

bonjour tu as raison c est une 600 pas une 500
si tu sais me dire comment on obtient le développement du tracteur

c etait ma question

comment faire


Not sure what we are trying to do here. I mean, both are vehicles, but the pictures don’t have much in common. Especially the Fiat has no meaningful surrounding like the tractor has. There is not so much you can do, IMHO.

Anyways, here is a second try:

IMG_7163.CR2.xmp (23.5 KB)

I did see in the original picture the following edit and tried to apply something similar to the picture of the op.

  • some fake HDR look, used a preset ‘HDR’ of local contrast
  • painterly background, removed contrast with contrast eq
  • some color grading in the sky, rgb primaries + color calibration

Additionally I did some sloppy masking, cropping, retouching and fiddeling with the tonal range.

Maybe this helps (probably not…).

Have a nice one!


I believe my kung fu has improved since August, so here is a re-try.

IMG_7163_01.CR2.xmp (7.3 KB)


The tractor image looks like an HDR to me, so created with multiple exposures and I can’t replicate it with one image and darktable. Here my attempt to develop the image.

IMG_7163.CR2.xmp (11.7 KB)

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Liberal use of local contrast for that HDR effect, shadows+highlights to reduce the dynamic range. Color toning from a LUT HaldCLUT Set: ANUBIS because I’m lazy to do the teal shift manually :stuck_out_tongue:

IMG_7163.jpg.out.pp3 (14.8 KB)