This is definitely a “play” image. It’s not a great composition, wrong time of the day, meh light, no viewpoint, tourists (just like me) all over the place, etc. But it was shot when I was there (late summer 2021). IIRC it’s called Alluvial Falls, in Rocky Mountain National Park.
I processed the shot back then, but never was happy with the way the water ended up too blue. I decided to try again, but then decided to “try something” else (hold my beer, er, I mean, Colorado water…) – Add some atmosphere. It looks reasonably real to me, but I’m not quite 100% convinced so far. Maybe it’s just ordinary fog.
Alluvial_Falls.jpg.out.arp (12.2 KB)
I downloaded the original, because I like the practice… Was surprised that there is zero fog in the picture… so I was like “OH! so we’re CREATING FOG here!”,
I immediately opted-in. This was a great practice for me with ART masks, and I think the finishing touch was the color EQ.