This was my first proper camera when I was about 13. I dug it out recently from the drawer where it had been hibernating, put some AA batteries in it and was delighted to find it still works perfectly.
I took something like 90 000 photos with it (mostly not very good!) between about 2006 and 2009 when I got an Olympus EP-1 for Christmas… happy times.
Back in the present, I’d forgotten that it can shoot Raw - I didn’t have any software back then, so never used it, but it does, and I’m pleasantly surprised by the image quality TBH. These are a few snaps I took earlier this morning in the garden, processed in dt 4.3. Obviously not very good photos, but from a pixel peeping perspective I’m impressed, for a 2005 vintage consumer camera. The 38-380mm (equiv) f3.2-3.6 lens in impressive too.
What was your first digital camera?